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Young edged out Parnell

Posted by Richard on September 23, 2008

Thanks to an email update today from the Club for Growth, I learned the bad news that I missed several days ago: After all the absentee and questionable ballots from the Aug. 26 primary were finally counted, Rep. Don Young beat challenger and Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell by 304 votes out of more than 100,000 cast. It was the closest loss ever for a candidate backed by the Club for Growth PAC.

The margin was easily small enough to demand a state-funded recount, but Parnell declined: 

“If I thought there was anything wrong, inappropriate or unprofessional about the way this election tally was conducted, I would not only call for a recount, I would demand one,” Parnell said. “But that is not the case here.

“As such, I do not believe it justifies an expenditure of taxpayer funds.”

A class act. 

I'm really sorry Parnell lost, and I'm sorry I didn't contribute more to his campaign — maybe a bit more cash would have made a difference.

Young, the poster child for pork and sleaze, is widely viewed as corrupt and unprincipled, is under federal investigation, may be indicted, and trails Democratic nominee Ethan Berkowitz by about 15 points.

The Club for Growth blamed "the third candidate in the race, State Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux, who spent significant funds out of her own pocket. While she never had a chance to win, there is little doubt she siphoned off a lot of the anti-Young vote." LeDoux got about 9%.

But I'm pointing the finger directly at Rep. Ron Paul. Given the number of Libertarians and libertarian-leaning Republicans in Alaska, Ron Paul's late endorsement of Young certainly cost Parnell more than 304 votes. Unforgivable.

The silver lining? Parnell has shown himself to be an excellent candidate and a principled advocate of fiscal responsibility, clean government, and small government. If McCain-Palin win in November, he'll become Alaska's governor and have a bright political future. Even if they don't, he'll be in an excellent position to oust Berkowitz after one term.

UPDATE: Here's another Paul-related item I missed: Ron Paul has endorsed Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin for President. Not Libertarian Bob Barr. Not Republican John McCain. Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin.

Who?? Why, the candidate who said we must reject the "attempt to de- Christianize our country, and humbly return to the God of our fathers!" The candidate who said, "We have legally murdered too many unborn babies. We have too readily accepted aberrant, sexual behavior. We kicked Heaven out of our schools, out of our homes, and out of our hearts. As a result, God is giving us a little taste of Hell." 

<snark>How very libertarian of you, Dr. Paul. </snark>

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2 Responses to “Young edged out Parnell”

  1. RedPencil said

    The Ron Paul “endorsement” would come as less of a surprise if you were watching some of his unhinged followers… the ones who give him money and accolades. Including both and prison planet. I am guessing he is getting more from Stormfront these days so he went with the “Constitutional” party.

    Fortunately the “Constitutional” party favors firearms rights; in the unlikely event they ever won an election, these would be necessary.

  2. MidPointMan said

    Burning Down The House: What Caused Our Economic Crisis?–o

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