Time for another Blogger Bash
Posted by Richard on February 2, 2009
Colorado bloggers and blogger groupies, you have just enough time to order your Silymarin and Anti-Alcohol Antioxidants. Use 3rd-day air or faster so you get them by the weekend.
Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash MMIX.1 will commence at 7 PM Saturday, Feb. 7, upstairs at the Wynkoop Brewing Company, located at 1634 18th Street, just a block from the Union Station light-rail terminal.
If you'll be there, let Zombyboy know in the announcement comments. Just don't expect any reward for doing so — as he noted, "there won’t be free booze or food this time around because who the hell wants to sponsor a bunch of drunken bloggers in this economy?"
I'm just tickled pink that I actually understand the numbering for this one.
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