Time for a blogger bash
Posted by Richard on March 19, 2008
It's been about five months since Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.2, so according to the experts (that is, zombyboy and whatever cabal he conspires with), it's time for RMBB 7.3. More precisely, 7.3 of 9 or More. That's a Star Trek: Voyager reference. Note the Borg cube in the graphic Jed created.
(Yes, there's some disagreement about the number and its punctuation. No, I don't understand the RMBB numbering scheme, which has gone from 5.5 to 6 to 6.5-something to 7.2 to 7.3. But I digress.)
RMBB 7.3 (of 9) will commence at 7 PM on Saturday, March 22, at the Falling Rock Tap House in LoDo (lower downtown Denver). Their website has a map. Drop by ResurrectionSong to see who's attending, submit your RSVP, and peruse the comments, where you'll learn that March 22 is William Shatner's birthday. And get a good sense of just how weird and entertaining the attendees are likely to be.
I want to thank David for picking a location just a few blocks from light rail, and all you taxpayers for funding this heavily-subsidized mode of transportation. You've made it possible for me to attend without spending more on cab fare than beer and with no risk (well, minimal risk…) of spending the night in jail.
jed said
I used to think I understood the numbering system. The major rev number rolled every year, at least since I’ve been aware of these things. And I had thought the minor rev number incremented for each bash in a year. But that all went out the window with v. 7/7/7, which I think winds up meaning that this is the 7th year anyway, so maybe we’ve had a market correction. Except that it would then be v. 7.0, unless that’d result in a time warp.
rgcombs said
OK, I fixed your link for you. No HTML in comments, they use wiki syntax. Click the Help tab next time for details.
In any case, I see no indication either at your post or at [http://www.resurrectionsong.com/index.php/weblog/summer_2007_rocky_mountain_blogger_bash/ David’s] that that was ”version” 7.7.7. David just called it the “Summer 2007″ RMBB, and it was ”on” 7/7/07.
You said it was v. 6.583… “because 7/12 is a repeating fraction, and this is the 6th year.” Which almost makes sense. Almost.
I think I need another beer.
jed said
You, of all people, should remember that comment thread, Richard. IIRC, it was you who suggested the starting time of 7:07, just to get in more sevens.
As for Wiki syntax, Ppppphhhhhhhttttttttt!
More beer, definitely.
rgcombs said
No, no. David set the starting time at 7:07. I said that I planned to be 7 seconds late, for which David commended my dedication to the theme.
As it turned out, I was much later than that, thanks to RTD.