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This isn’t journalism

Posted by Richard on May 18, 2005

If you don’t believe that the Washington press corps consists largely of biased, angry pseudo-journalists determined to destroy the Bush administration, then go right now to Powerline and read the questions that Scott McClellan was asked at today’s press conference.

These aren’t real questions — the kind real reporters ask to get real information for a real story. These are arguments, diatribes, challenges, snide remarks, and insults. 

As Scott Johnson suggested, go read "Whose side are they on?" too. All of it — there’s a nice bit of Kipling at the end.

I suspect that Glenn is right when he worries about future of press freedom. Recent polls like this one suggest the press is on shaky ground with the public. The Newsweek debacle and the increasing shrillness and hostility illustrated at today’s press conference suggest it’s going to get worse.

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