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Thinking about Obama

Posted by Richard on August 3, 2007

In the last few weeks, as I half-way paid attention to the world of politics, I've learned some interesting things about Senator Barack Hussein Obama.

As a candidate, Obama refused to debate on Fox News because such participation would lend that evil enterprise legitimacy and prestige that it didn't deserve. But he promised that as president, he'll gladly meet with — and lend legitimacy and prestige to — the world's most despicable, murderous thugs and tyrants.

In the past, Obama has praised U.S. intervention in a civil war in Yugoslavia and characterized that as a success, even though we're still there ten years later. Regarding genocide in Darfur, he's criticized Bush for not being willing to "take tough action" and head up a "robust international force … to protect civilians and stop the slaughter."

But when critics of withdrawal from Iraq predicted that that would lead to maybe a million deaths, Obama sang a different tune:

Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Thursday the United States cannot use its military to solve humanitarian problems and that preventing a potential genocide in Iraq isn’t a good enough reason to keep U.S. forces there.

And now we have Obama the peace candidate, the critic of Bush adventurism and cowboyism and unilateralism, threatening to unilaterally invade Pakistan, an ally (for the moment) with nuclear weapons! Thomas Lifson nailed this one:

Nothing is more dangerous than a naïve appeaser, other than a naïve appeaser who erratically takes rash steps in order to look tougher than he really is. Terrible, tragic events are set in motion by such threats of bluster.

The good Senator is incredibly stupid and foolish.

It's amazing that the mainstream media have essentially given Obama a pass on all the above nonsense and continue to treat him as a serious, first-tier contender for the presidency. He should be ranked alongside Gravel, Dodd, and Kucinich. I suspect it's just another example of "the soft bigotry of low expectations."

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One Response to “Thinking about Obama”

  1. mothanskin said

    RG, I am a black American who basically agrees with what you point out about Barack Obama. As much as I would like to see a black President of the United States, at this point in his politcal career, Senator Obama is not ready to be President. Oratorical skills or the lack thereof have nothing to do with being President. Experience and well thought out solutions to the problems facing our nation and the world is what is desperately needed in the next President. In my mind, former Senator John Edwards is what America needs after eight years of an inarticulate, incompetent, and deceptive President. (Senator Obama needs to concentrate on being the best Senator he can be and then run for President in 2012, in my opinion)

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