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The left’s religious double standard

Posted by Richard on November 28, 2015

The echoes of gunfire at the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood clinic had barely died down before practically every leftist in the country was screaming about “white Christian terrorism”  and blaming the Project Veritas undercover videos about PP’s fetal tissue sales. Also the entire Republican Party, even though the shooter is not a Republican (I’ll refrain from commenting on Robert Dear’s designation as female on his voter registration, since that may just be a clerical error).

Of course, these are the same people who, after every mass-casualty attack by jihadists shouting “Allahu akbar,” insist that it had nothing whatsoever to do with religion and condemn any mention of radical Islam as racist (as if the desire to impose 7th-century sharia law across the globe and kill or subjugate anyone who doesn’t submit to “the will of Allah” were a racial characteristic).

There was, in fact, at least one pro-life Christian at the scene of the shootings: Garrett Swasey, the police officer who was killed while defending those inside the Planned Parenthood clinic. Four other cops were wounded.

Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter activist DeRay Mckesson and Twinkies addict Michael Moore agree that the cops “made sure not 2 kill him” (shooter Robert Dear) because he’s white.

So there are people out there who seriously believe that the officers who watched Dear shoot five of their own spared his life out of sympathy for his whiteness.

I can’t begin to fathom how the leftist mind works. SMDH.

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