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The debate moment that evoked a strange memory

Posted by Richard on October 16, 2012

OK, I admit the adult beverages are starting to kick in (I can’t watch a debate without adult beverages — call it the Vodkapundit syndrome). I’ve been watching post-debate analyses on two networks (CBS and Fox News). There seems to be a consensus that one of the most significant questions was from the black guy who said to the President (paraphrasing), “I voted for you in 2008. But things aren’t going so well and I’m having a tough time. Why should I vote for you again?”

The talking heads, right and left, seemed to agree that Romney’s response was one of his best moments, and I think so too. But I was more interested in the President’s answer, which was basically (paraphrasing), “I know things are still tough, but we’re working on it. And it’s getting better. And we’re going to keep on doing what we’re doing. And believe me, things will get better still in the next four years.”

I suddenly had this memory come into my head. It was the image of George Herbert Walker Bush, gesturing with his right hand, Atlanta Braves tomahawk-chop-style, and repeating, “Stay the course, stay the course.”

Remember how well that worked for him?

And that reminded me of the Einstein quote: “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

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