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Posts Tagged ‘sharia’

Are your shoes offending Allah?

Posted by Richard on February 1, 2019

Some Muslims think a new Nike Air Max shoe is blasphemous because the stylized version of “Air Max” on the sole resembles (!) the Arabic script for “Allah.” They’re demanding that Nike recall the shoes.

Where to begin? Based on the picture in the story linked above, I don’t even think the sole looks very much like it says “Air Max,” much less “Allah.” It’s not even close to looking like Arabic script for anything.

This is classic offense theft (taking offense where none was given), a tactic that radical Islamists love to engage in. I hope Nike tells them to “sod off,” as the Brits would say, but I’m not holding my breath. This kind of nonsense has worked far too often in the past.

In any case, neither Nike nor the non-Islamic world in general is obliged to adhere to Sharia law. So their demand, which seems invalid to me even under those strictures, is utterly without merit. It should be laughed off.

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Anti-Sharia rallies across the nation on June 10

Posted by Richard on June 5, 2017

Brigitte Gabriel’s ACT for America is sponsoring “March Against Sharia” rallies in cities across the country this Saturday, June 10, to voice opposition to female genital mutilation (FGM), honor killings/violence, and other anti-woman and anti-human-rights practices of fundamentalist Islamic law that are taking place right here in the United States.

The first US arrests for FGM took place in Detroit just a few weeks ago, but fundamentalist American and immigrant Muslims have been engaging in the barbaric practice under the radar for many years. In a column posted today at Breitbart, Gabriel describes a horrific honor killing and discusses the much more prevalent problem of honor violence of other types:

“Do you know you are going to die tonight?”

This is how Zein Isa, a Palestinian Muslim and naturalized United States Citizen, told his 16-year-old daughter Tina, that she was going to die.

He told her she brought dishonor to the family by finding part time work, dating a boy outside of her faith, playing high school soccer, going to the prom, and becoming “Americanized.”

Tina was brutally stabbed to death by her father with a butcher knife, while her mother Maria, held her down.

The horrific events and Tina’s screams for mercy were recorded on an FBI tape:

Several studies have concluded that while the reported number of honor killings in the United States is relatively low—rough estimates of 23 to 27 killings annually—the number of honor violence victims increases exponentially when other nonlethal forms of honor violence are added to the equation.

Information about honor violence is closely concealed by families and communities. Victims or potential victims may not report victimization out of fear. Further, victims may not report honor violence because in their home culture what has occurred is not viewed as a crime.

Read more about the rallies, other barbaric aspects of sharia, and the victims of sharia who are participating in these rallies at WorldNetDaily. But keep in mind it’s WorldNetDaily, so don’t venture into the comments unless you have a strong stomach; lots of crazies (on both sides) comment there.

If you support equal rights for all and especially if you’re a real feminist (not a fake feminist like Linda Sarsour), and there’s a rally near you, come out and make your voice heard.

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Punishing Christian speech, embracing Sharia law

Posted by Richard on November 11, 2010

Publicly professing a belief in Christianity or inviting others to learn about it are punishable offenses in more places than you might think. But the severity of the punishment varies considerably.

In Pakistan, they sentence you to death. And sometimes just shoot you on the spot.

In Dearborn, Philadelphia, and Wichita, they just throw you in jail for a while. Don't count on the ACLU and other human rights organizations to help.

Any statement suggesting that Islam is not the one true religion or that Islamic law shouldn't govern everyone everywhere is considered either "blasphemy" or "defamation" by the Islamists, and they're waging a worldwide campaign to criminalize (or silence through intimidation) such statements. They have the UN on their side.

Last week, Oklahoma voters — 70% of them — adopted a constitutional amendment barring judges from relying on Sharia or international law for court rulings. They were perhaps motivated by the Islamists' war on free speech and the growing trend in Europe of bending to Sharia, as evidenced by:

  • court decisions in Italy and Germany acknowledging the right of Muslim men to beat their wives and daughters.
  • the establishment in Britain of a Sharia court system parallel to the English courts and supplanting them for members of the Muslim community.
  • the criminal prosecution of Geert Wilders (Netherlands), Elisabeth Sabaditsch Wolff (Austria), Jussi Halla-aho (Finland), and Brigitte Bardot (France), among others, for criticizing Islam. 

The will of Oklahoma voters has been thwarted for now by a restraining order granted to the Islamist group CAIR (an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood and unindicted co-conspirator in a terrorist funding case). Ironically, this ruling protecting the right of Muslim men to claim that Sharia law authorizes them to beat women — and to silence those who criticize them for that — was issued by a judge who was once a prominent women's rights advocate.

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