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Posts Tagged ‘sexism’

Contemptible form of sexism

Posted by Richard on October 30, 2008

I just saw Ben Stein interviewed by Craig Ferguson on the Late Late Show. He praised McCain effusively, but said his first impression of Sarah Palin, upon meeting her prior to some local talk show, was that she must be a hooker promoting a sex book.

Ben Stein is a conservative whose most recent claim to fame is a ridiculous documentary film promoting the anti-science, anti-reason "creation science" against the theory of evolution. 

His dissing of Palin echoes what other members of the "intelligentsia," right and left, have said. 

Apparently, the New York / Washington / Hollywood "intelligentsia" simply can't take seriously a woman who just happens to be cute or pretty

It seems to me that that's the worst kind of sexism. 

But apparently, NOW doesn't care.


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