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Posts Tagged ‘netanyahu’

Bibi wins, Obama election meddling fails

Posted by Richard on March 18, 2015

So, Obama’s efforts to influence an election with tax dollars funneled through non-profits didn’t work as well in Israel as it did in the United States.

I guess they didn’t have the Acorn-style infrastructure or the SEIU-style goons.

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Netanyahu’s excellent UN speech

Posted by Richard on September 29, 2012

To get the taste of Obama’s disturbing UN speech out of my mouth, I read the address of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to the same corrupt body. Damn, I wish we had a president who spoke like that. Read the whole thing and/or watch the video.

Netanyahu began by challenging the claim, supported by much of the UN, that Jews are recent interlopers in the region (it was never a nation) known as Palestine:

Three thousand years ago, King David reigned over the Jewish state in our eternal capital, Jerusalem. I say that to all those who proclaim that the Jewish state has no roots in our region and that it will soon disappear.

The Jewish people have lived in the land of Israel for thousands of years. Even after most of our people were exiled from it, Jews continued to live in the land of Israel throughout the ages. The masses of our people never gave up the dreamed of returning to our ancient homeland.

Here he might have added that Jews continued to live throughout the Middle East in large numbers (a third of the population of Baghdad) until they were driven out or murdered by the Arabs who embraced Islamofascism.

Defying the laws of history, we did just that. We ingathered the exiles, restored our independence and rebuilt our national life. The Jewish people have come home.

We will never be uprooted again.

In Israel, we walk the same paths tread by our patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. But we blaze new trails in science, technology, medicine, agriculture.

In Israel, the past and the future find common ground.

Unfortunately, that is not the case in many other countries. For today, a great battle is being waged between the modern and the medieval.

The forces of modernity seek a bright future in which the rights of all are protected, in which an ever-expanding digital library is available in the palm of every child, in which every life is sacred.

The forces of medievalism seek a world in which women and minorities are subjugated, in which knowledge is suppressed, in which not life but death is glorified.

These forces clash around the globe, but nowhere more starkly than in the Middle East.

Israel stands proudly with the forces of modernity. We protect the rights of all our citizens:  men and women, Jews and Arabs, Muslims and Christians – all are equal before the law.

Israel wants to see a Middle East of progress and peace. We want to see the three great religions that sprang forth from our region – Judaism, Christianity and Islam – coexist in peace and in mutual respect.

Yet the medieval forces of radical Islam, whom you just saw storming the American embassies throughout the Middle East, they oppose this.

They seek supremacy over all Muslims. They are bent on world conquest. They want to destroy Israel, Europe, America. They want to extinguish freedom. They want to end the modern world.

Militant Islam has many branches – from the rulers of Iran with their Revolutionary Guards to Al Qaeda terrorists to the radical cells lurking in every part of the globe.

But despite their differences, they are all rooted in the same bitter soil of intolerance. That intolerance is directed first at their fellow Muslims, and then to Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, secular people, anyone who doesn’t submit to their unforgiving creed.

They want to drag humanity back to an age of unquestioning dogma and unrelenting conflict.

I am sure of one thing. Ultimately they will fail. Ultimately, light will penetrate the darkness.

I think the relevant question is this: it’s not whether this fanaticism will be defeated. It’s how many lives will be lost before it’s defeated.

Outstanding. Reason, the Enlightenment, modernity: the leader who represents one of the most ancient civilizations in the world forcefully defends these values; the leader of the nation that was founded on those principles can’t bring himself to do so.

Oh, and by the way: US Ambassador Susan Rice skipped Netanyahu’s speech, thus treating him the same way she did Ahmadinejad. Moral equivalence?

Like I said: Read the whole thing and/or watch the video. Especially the latter, so you can see the marvelous visual aid he uses to illustrate Iran’s progress toward nuclear weapons and where we must draw a red line.

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Boxer and other leftist Obama shills try to silence Netanyahu

Posted by Richard on September 13, 2012

Barbara Boxer, the genius of the Senate who once said of the San Francisco earthquake, “those who died, their lives will never be the same again,” and of Obamacare, “I don’t want to go back to the days when thousands of people died every day because they had no insurance,” wrote an open letter to Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu chastising him for supposedly trying to influence the US election by speaking bluntly about the Iranian threat and America’s inept approach to it. This is an astonishing and I believe unprecedented foray into pursuit of a private foreign policy by a member of the US Congress.

But Boxer’s attempt to silence Bibi has been joined by other Obama surrogates and media lapdogs like Time’s Joel Klein, The New Yorker’s David Remnick, and former ambassador Dan Kurzer.

It apparently hasn’t occurred to Boxer and the rest of these clowns that Netanyahu might be just a little bit more interested in preventing the nuclear annihilation of Israel than the US election. Commentary’s Seth Mandel sets them straight.

I suspect that the anti-Netanyahu frenzy among the American left is a reaction to this:

What’s even more telling in the TIPP poll, are the inroads Mitt Romney is making, gaining support among Jewish voters. A breakdown of religion along with other demographic groups shows President Obama maintaining a lead among Jews but by a smaller margin – 59 to 35 percent for Mitt Romney, with six percent undecided. While that is still a majority it is a dramatic decline from the 78 percent of the Jewish vote he got in 2008.


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A modest border proposal

Posted by Richard on May 28, 2011

This definitely deserves a "Heh." And it would render all that pro- and anti-birther folderol moot to boot. 🙂

HT: David Aitken

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Netanyahu’s address to Congress

Posted by Richard on May 25, 2011

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed Congress today, and he rocked the house. NewsBusters has the video and transcript. I strongly suggest you watch or read it. Here's a taste:

… A great convulsion is shaking the earth from the Khyber Pass to the Straits of Gibraltar. The tremors have shattered states and toppled governments. And we can all see that the ground is still shifting. Now this historic moment holds the promise of a new dawn of freedom and opportunity. Millions of young people are determined to change their future. We all look at them. They muster courage. They risk their lives. They demand dignity. They desire liberty.

These extraordinary scenes in Tunis and Cairo, evoke those of Berlin and Prague in 1989. Yet as we share their hopes, but we also must also remember that those hopes could be snuffed out as they were in Tehran in 1979. You remember what happened then. The brief democratic spring in Iran was cut short by a ferocious and unforgiving tyranny. This same tyranny smothered Lebanon’s democratic Cedar Revolution, and inflicted on that long-suffering country, the medieval rule of Hezbollah.

So today, the Middle East stands at a fateful crossroads. Like all of you, I pray that the peoples of the region choose the path less travelled, the path of liberty. No one knows what this path consists of better than you. This path is not paved by elections alone. It is paved when governments permit protests in town squares, when limits are placed on the powers of rulers, when judges are beholden to laws and not men, and when human rights cannot be crushed by tribal loyalties or mob rule.

Israel has always embraced this path, in the Middle East has long rejected it. In a region where women are stoned, gays are hanged, Christians are persecuted, Israel stands out. It is different.

As the great English writer George Eliot predicted over a century ago, that once established, the Jewish state will “shine like a bright star of freedom amid the despotisms of the East.” Well, she was right. We have a free press, independent courts, an open economy, rambunctious parliamentary debates. You think you guys are tough on one another in Congress? Come spend a day in the Knesset. Be my guest.

Courageous Arab protesters, are now struggling to secure these very same rights for their peoples, for their societies. We’re proud that over one million Arab citizens of Israel have been enjoying these rights for decades. Of the 300 million Arabs in the Middle East and North Africa, only Israel’s Arab citizens enjoy real democratic rights. I want you to stop for a second and think about that. Of those 300 million Arabs, less than one-half of one-percent are truly free, and they’re all citizens of Israel!

This startling fact reveals a basic truth: Israel is not what is wrong about the Middle East. Israel is what is right about the Middle East.

Israel fully supports the desire of Arab peoples in our region to live freely. We long for the day when Israel will be one of many real democracies in the Middle East.

Read the whole thing. Better yet, watch the video. It's a really great speech. I wish the GOP had a leader who speaks with such clarity and forcefulness. 

UPDATE: I was anxious to post the above, and did so after seeing less than a third of the speech. Now that I've watched the whole thing, I'm even more impressed and even more strongly urge you to watch the whole thing (45 minutes) rather than simply reading the text (which omits the many ad libs and fails to convey the elegance with which it was delivered). It's an impressive lesson on how a great leader can effectively communicate important ideas simply, directly, and with grace, humor, and passion. Simply outstanding.

And did you notice, in the passage I quoted, the reference to "when governments permit protests in town squares"? That's the Sharansky Test for a free society!

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