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Posts Tagged ‘firearms’

A tale of three shootings

Posted by Richard on December 10, 2007

Let's compare and contrast three recent mass murders. The Westroads mall in Omaha, where Robert Hawkings shot 13 people, killing 8, was a "gun-free zone." That didn't deter the gunman, but it apparently deterred the honest, peaceful shoppers. Hawkings chose when to end the killing — he shot himself.

The Youth With a Mission Center in Arvada, CO, was not a "gun-free zone." One man there said he exchanged fire with the shooter, Matthew Murray, and believes he wounded him (I saw him on Fox31 News, but can't find the video clip or his name at their website). That private citizen ended the killing, and Murray fled.

The New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Murray's next target, was also not a "gun-free zone." Several parishioners who have concealed carry permits provide security for the mega-church. One of them, former policewoman Jeanne Assam, heard the shots when Murray was still in the parking lot. As others fled away from the sound, she moved toward it. Assam shot Murray shortly after he entered the building, ending the killing before many more died:

Jeanne Assam was working security at New Life on Sunday when 24-year-old Matthew Murray began shooting in the parking lot. Three people, including Murray, died during the attack at the 10,000-plus member New Life Church.

"I saw him coming through the doors and I took cover. And I waited for him to get closer and came out of cover and identified myself and engaged him and took him down," she said.

Assam repeatedly gave credit to God during her news conference on Monday, saying God was with her.

"I was given the assignment to end this before it got too much worse," she said. "I said, 'Holy Spirit, please be with me.' I did not run away and I didn't think to run away. My hands weren't even shaking."

She appeared along side New Life Church Pastor Brady Boyd at the news conference on Monday.

"If we had not had an armed person on our campus, 50 to 100 people could have lost their lives yesterday," said Boyd.

Boyd isn't exaggerating. There were thousands at the church, and police report that Murray may have had a thousand rounds in his backpack. 

Carrying a gun shouldn't be undertaken lightly. Confronting a killer even less so. Both call for a certain level of skill and, more importantly, the proper mindset. The gentleman who stopped Murray in Arvada said he'd served in the military, but (forgive me, sir, if I'm jumping to an unfounded conclusion) I suspect that was some time in the past and he hasn't had much recent firearms practice. He had the courage, but lacked the skill to stop the killer.

Jeanne Assam and the other church security volunteers apparently trained regularly. Assam possessed both the mindset and the physical skill, and many people are alive today because of that.

This incident has given me pause, because I don't get to the range nearly enough. If you own — and especially if you carry — a gun, and if you don't practice much either, please join me in committing to do better in the coming year.

If you choose not to own or carry a gun, I won't try to change your mind. You know yourself, and maybe that's the best choice for you. But try to remember this: if, some unfortunate day, you're in a public place when a homicidal maniac starts shooting people at random, a "gun-free zone" sign won't help you. Your life may depend on there being a Jeanne Assam nearby.

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National Ammo Day/Week

Posted by Richard on November 19, 2007

Today, November 19, is National Ammo Day. And in deference to those who have trouble keeping to a tight schedule, Nov. 17-25 is National Ammo Week. It's been dubbed a "BUYcott of ammunition," with gun owners urged to buy a hundred rounds:

The goal of National Ammo Day is to empty the ammunition from the shelves of your local gun store, sporting goods, or hardware store and put that ammunition in the hands of law-abiding citizens.  Make your support of the Second Amendment known–by voting with your dollars!

There are an estimated 75 MILLION gun owners in the United States of America.  If each gun owner or Second Amendment supporter buys 100 rounds of ammunition, that’s 7.5 BILLION rounds in the hands of law-abiding citizens!

The gun/ammunition manufacturers have been taking the brunt of all the frivolous lawsuits, trying to put these folks out of business.  Well, not if we can help it!  And we CAN help it by buying ammunition on November 19!

I plan to do better. I'm heading over to Big 5 Sporting Goods in a little while to pick up a 250-round "mega pack" of 9mm Remington UMC for just $49.99, and a box of 525 CCI Blazer .22LR for just $12.99.

That Tanfoglio Witness CO2 BB pistol on sale for $39.99 looks tempting, too. I don't go shooting very often; with a BB pistol, at least I could practice in the basement.

And besides, this one's powered by that evil greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide. I like the idea of simultaneously thumbing my nose at the enviro-whackos and the anti-gunners.

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New AG supports RKBA

Posted by Richard on November 13, 2007

David Codrea's The War on Guns had a bit of good news Friday: just-confirmed Attorney General Michael Mukasey believes that "the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms." Sen. Durbin cited that statement as one of the reasons he voted against Mukasey.

Codrea had been concerned about Mukasey because he supports Giuliani, and because Sen. Schumer supported his nomination. He expressed relief, if not exactly enthusiasm:

Excluding all other considerations, and with the caveat that this is based only on the rhetoric, it would appear gun owners could have done worse

And frequently have.

Hip, hip, hooray! (for now)

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When control freaks lose control

Posted by Richard on September 13, 2007

Say Uncle posted an interesting story the other day about an anti-gun Tennessee state legislator. It seems that Rep. Bob Briley's belief that you, dear gun owner, can't be trusted to be responsible and exercise self-control is yet another example of liberal projection:

TN State Rep. Rob Briley was arrested for DUI after rear-ending a car and leaving the scene. During his arrest, he allegedly finished his drink at gunpoint. On Monday, he was arrested again for vandalism for kicking the window of a patrol car and causing $1,500 worth of damage. Under the influence, Mr. Briley reacted violently. And stupidly.

As a chairman of the Judiciary committee, Briley blocked various pro-gun bills, including opposing a bill to allow concealed carry permit holders to carry their weapons where alcohol is served so long as they weren’t drinking. No wonder he can’t trust you to be armed in the same room where there may be alcohol, look what it does to him.

Briley, a Nashville Democrat, led police on a 100-mph chase before being apprehended. He spent time in an alcohol treatment facility last year, and apparently is headed back. 'Cause, you know, he's not responsible for what he did. Show some compassion. You wouldn't want him to lose his job — or worse, face a mandatory sentence — just for some technical violation involving a deadly weapon. At least, not when the weapon is an automobile.


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Exercise Your Rights Day

Posted by Richard on August 28, 2007

Today is National Exercise Your Rights Day, according to the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms:

“Jesse Jackson, the Brady Campaign and other anti-gunners are launching a series of protests and so-called prayer vigils against our individual Second Amendment rights on Tuesday,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, “and firearms owners have the same rights of free speech and assembly.

“We encourage gun owners to visit gun ranges, gun stores and sporting goods shops, especially if these facilities are singled out for protest activities,” he continued. “What better way to show our appreciation for the First Amendment than by exercising it to defend the Second Amendment?

“Mr. Jackson has been searching the landscape to find an issue that will restore his relevance,” Gottlieb observed. “How ironic that a man whose reputation was built as a civil rights activist would promote a nationwide campaign of social bigotry against firearms owners.”

Think I'll drop by Gander Mountain and buy some ammo.  

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The no-shooty cartridge

Posted by Richard on August 24, 2007

The Dissident Frogman was amused by the remarkable ignorance of firearms recently exhibited by the editors and war correspondents of Agence France Presse. As a public service, he created a short educational video that explains the basics of bullets, cartridges, and "boomsticks" in simple terms that even journalists can understand. "Since you will fake the news from Iraq anyway," he tells AFP, it won't kill you to make the hoax a bit more credible."

Priceless. You've got to watch this video. Just make sure you're not drinking anything you don't want all over your monitor and keyboard. And be sure to stick around through the credits — there are bloopers/out-takes at the end.

Check out the comments, too. The exchange between lefty and the frogman is too good to miss.

(HT: Rottweiler)

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Laser pistols don’t kill people, …

Posted by Richard on May 26, 2007

Thirty years ago yesterday, Star Wars opened in just 32 theaters across the country, and producers worried it would lose money. In Los Angeles this weekend, well over 20,000 fans are attending a five-day celebration of the anniversary, the Postal Service has issued Star Wars stamps, and George Lucas is making clips from the Star Wars movies available for "remixing" at

But not all Star Wars fans are celebrating this weekend. An Aussie on his way to a 30th anniversary photo shoot made the mistake of letting his Star Wars laser pistol poke out of his backpack and alarm the hoplophobes in a Melbourne mall. Police, not knowing whether the laser blaster was fully charged, took no chances:

"It was a replica gun. We weren't sure what we were dealing with," Senior-Constable Daniel Sage told the Herald Sun newspaper. Photographs showed a gun closely resembling the weapon carried by Star Wars rogue Han Solo in the cinema classic.

The man had been on his way to pose for a community newspaper ahead of the 30th Star Wars movie anniversary when he was surrounded by armed police, forced to the ground and handcuffed.

Police said despite being a harmless replica and a close match to a weapon from a galaxy far, far away, the man would be charged with possessing an unregistered firearm.

Don't Australians realize that laser pistols don't kill people, people kill people? (Also, battle droids …)

In other movie news, today is the 100th birthday of Marion Morrison, better known as John Wayne. The Duke carried a plain old revolver, not a laser pistol, but he changed movies forever, too. Check out the fine tribute poem posted by commenter shirley at Firetop.

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Second Amendment Carnival XI

Posted by Richard on April 24, 2007

I finally got around to checking out this month's Second Amendment Carnival at Free Constitution, and I encourage you to drop by if you have even a passing interest in firearms-rights issues. I've barely sampled the many links, and I've seen some serious, high-quality, thought-provoking posts. Some pretty funny and fun stuff, too.

For instance, Acme Anvil Co. argued persuasively (and with tongue in cheek, I assume) that a Guiliani administration would buy you a gun if you can't afford one. More seriously, Politics, Guns & Beer (great name for a blog) compared carrying a gun to wearing a seat belt in a terrific treatise on firearms — and it's only Part 1. How does a 21-year-old coed from Idaho become so wise?

Beyond that, you'll find links to Rhymes With Right, The Smallest Minority, Say Uncle, LawDog, and more — a fine collection of posts that you really should check out. 

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Career suicide by blog

Posted by Richard on February 21, 2007

Outdoor Life’s hunting editor, Jim Zumbo, has had a blog at the Outdoor Life site. Apparently, Zumbo thinks only "sporting firearms" in the hands of "gentleman hunters" should be legal. I suppose he means bolt-action rifles and over/under shotguns with lovely walnut stocks and maybe some fine filigree — the kind of weapon one would be proud to show off at the country club while sharing cigars and brandy with one’s chums.

On Saturday, Zumbo posted a rant against hunters who use "assault rifles" — you know, self-loading, semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines and ugly black plastic stocks instead of fine wood. In fact, Zumbo called them "terrorist rifles," thus linking the legions of fans of the AR15 and other "ugly black guns" to terrorism. The post is no longer available — in fact, Outdoor Life has removed his blog:

Due to the controversy surrounding Jim Zumbo’s recent postings, Outdoor Life has decided to discontinue the “Hunting With Zumbo” blog for the time being. Outdoor Life has always been, and will always be, a steadfast supporter of our Second Amendment rights, which do not make distinctions based on the looks of the firearms we choose to own, shoot and take hunting. Please direct any comments you have to

On Sunday, Libercontrarian came out of retirement to post Zumbo’s rant, along with his own highly appropriate critique and some interesting links. Apparently, Zumbo’s ignorant, elitist, and anti-2nd-Amendment attitude ignited a firestorm of protest. On Monday, Libercontrarian posted an update — Remington has terminated its sponsorship of Zumbo:

As a result of comments made by Mr. Jim Zumbo in recent postings on his blog site, Remington Arms Company, Inc., has severed all sponsorship ties with Mr. Zumbo effective immediately. While Mr. Zumbo is entitled to his opinions and has the constitutional right to freely express those opinions, these comments are solely his, and do not reflect the views of Remington.

Good for them. And good for Outdoor Life. And three cheers for ugly black guns. Hey, Zumbo, here’s a suggestion for a mea culpa that might save your sorry ass:

"The other day, I said some very stupid things, and I want to apologize. I’ve been reminded that the 2nd Amendment is not about duck hunting. And I realize that my personal aesthetic and emotional reactions to a particular type of firearm are totally irrelevant to your right to own and use it for any honest, peaceful purpose. I’m very, very sorry for suggesting otherwise."

If that doesn’t work for you, Zumbo, you’d best look into a career change. I’m sure that any of several gun control organizations, which lately have been trying to conceal their real agenda behind "safety" and "violence prevention" smokescreens, would be happy to hire you. They’re always looking for another "sportsmen for more gun-control" spokesman.

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Cordite and Cooper

Posted by Richard on October 2, 2006

I just found out today that Col. Jeff Cooper died last week. Cooper, known as “the gunner’s guru,” was a larger than life figure whose impact on the shooting sports, combat and self-defense shooting, and related matters is inestimable. Cooper almost single-handedly created what’s thought of as the modern “conventional wisdom” regarding handgun shooting, gun safety, and combat and self-defense techniques.

Cooper was 86 and in poor health, but he continued to write prolifically and with old-fashioned elegance and charm — albeit, at times with a rather sharp tongue. I always looked forward to his monthly column in Guns & Ammo — it wasn’t really a column, but a collection of brief anecdotes, opinions, and observations on a remarkably broad range of subjects. Here are a couple of examples from the August issue:

We are annoyed by the assumption on the part of certain public figures that the citiizen should be able to prove the need for the citizen to acquire a means of protecting himself. The citizen’s personal needs are no business of the state. Liberty, when in place, grants the right of the citizen to do what he chooses, as long as he does not stamp on the rights of others. Nobody needs caviar, or a pleasure boat or opera tickets. Whether he wants these things is no business of the state. On this side of the prayer rug, the Jihadis do not see it that way. That seems to be the main reason they have declared war upon us.

Is it that the pronoun “whom” has been abandoned? Perhaps it is that the English language is too ornate for the common people.

I learned of Cooper’s death via Spank That Donkey, where Chris led off Carnival of Cordite #74 with Michael Bane’s eulogy, which you should read. Check out the many other fine posts, too — most are quite a bit less somber. They range from fun stuff to gun stuff to politics. There are a couple of serious commentaries on the Bailey, CO, school shooting — one of them mine.

Which brings me to the (apparently copycat) deadly attack on the Pennsylvania Amish school. We really didn’t need more empirical evidence that a “gun-free” designation — even with a stiff prison sentence to back it up — is about as effective at protecting our children as the casting of a magic spell over the doorway. I don’t know what more to say, except that my heart goes out to the families of those little girls.

I think I’ll close with another Cooper quote, this one posted at Michael Bane’s place by a commenter. After thinking about the terrible deeds some men are capable of, Cooper’s point seems somehow appropriate — and comforting:

The rifle is a weapon. Let there be no mistake about that. It is a tool of power, and thus dependent completely upon the moral stature of its user. It is equally useful in securing meat for the table, destroying group enemies on the battlefield, and resisting tyranny. In fact, it is the only means of resisting tyranny, since a citizenry armed with rifles simply cannot be tyrannized.

The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles.

—Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle

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Safer schools

Posted by Richard on September 28, 2006

Yesterday’s school shooting in Bailey, an idyllic mountain community 40 miles southwest of Denver, has people talking about school safety again. CBS4Denver did a news segment entitled "Why Aren’t Our Schools Safer?" The only concrete suggestions were: (1) put in lots of security cameras; (2) have only one entrance, with "watchful eyes" on it.

In the Bailey incident, a stranger walked in off the street, gun drawn, and fired warning shots. How would it have helped to have an extra video camera or an unarmed, defenseless person watching the gunman as he entered?

Years ago, the Israelis had a problem with Paleostinian gunmen attacking schoolchildren. They armed the teachers and staff, and the attacks on schools stopped. In fact, the Paleostinians largely gave up attacking civilians with small arms when it became standard practice for the intended victims to shoot back.

The Paleostinians developed the tactic of suicide bombing as an alternative. It’s unlikely to become popular with people other than the crazed Jihadists who "love death."

One big safety problem with our schools is their designation as "gun-free zones." This ensures any criminal or madman bent on violence that all the law-abiding people inside are unarmed and helpless. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, somehow the liberals — and even many conservatives — have managed to convince themselves that a "No Guns Allowed" sign has some sort of magical power to deter a sociopath who’s prepared to commit mayhem, rape, and murder.

If you’re a non-gun-owner, listen to me carefully: You are not safer in a "gun-free zone" — you are less safe. Always. Even if you don’t choose to arm yourself ever. The "gun-free" designation cannot and will not protect you from violent predators or reckless and irresponsible people. But it can prevent honest, responsible, concerned people from coming to your defense.

Don’t get me wrong — I’m not claiming that more guns are a panacea. There are no panaceas, and utopia is not an option. I’m simply saying that it’s foolish and irresponsible to pretend you can remove all guns when you can only remove those that are least likely to do harm and most likely to do good.

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Cordite and cranky libertarians

Posted by Richard on September 20, 2006

For some great gun rights and self-defense reading, along with the usual unusual weaponry stuff, range reports, etc., check out Carnival of Cordite #72 at Spank That Donkey. It’s got titles like "Bad, Bad Assault Thingy," "Guns and Democrats," and "Commie Junk My A$$!" that are bound to suck you in.

Meanwhile, over at the Unrepentant Individual, Brad Warbiany wants you to "see the world through a bunch of cranky libertarians’ eyes" in Carnival of Liberty #53. It’s chock full of submissions, and they’re presented with meaty excerpts so you can get a good sense of them. Go read — you know you want to!

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Posted by Richard on September 12, 2006

Rick Sincere is hosting Carnival of Liberty #62 this week, and as you might guess, there are some 9/11-related entries. Lots of other topics, too — check it out.

Also, check out Carnival of Cordite #71 at Spank That Donkey. If you use IE to visit, you can listen to a delightful little sermon. But with any browser, you’ll find a wealth of great links and pictures. Including the link to buy some of these fine bumperstickers:

Give Peace a Chance - Kill Terrorists

Meanwhile, Joshua Sharf promised to have the special 9/11 edition of Carnival of the Capitalists ready any time now, so just check the main page of View From a Height.

UPDATE: It’s up, so here’s the direct link to the Carnival of the Capitalists. Wow, it’s huge! From 9/11 to personal finance, there’s bound to be something to pique your interest.

UPDATE 2: Another huge collection of links, well-presented: the Carnival of Homeschooling at Principled Discovery. Check it out.

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Carnival time

Posted by Richard on August 30, 2006

Matt Barr at Socratic Rhythm Method came up with a really clever presentation for the entries in Carnival of Liberty #60 — it’s a Jeopardy game! "I’ll take Liberty Locales for $300, Alex." Pretty slick job (there’s a "no frames" alternative link if your browser messes up the "game board" display). And it’s not just sizzle — there’s plenty of meat in those entries.

Meanwhile, Stan White at Free Constitution put together the 4th edition of the Second Amendment Carnival. It’s a more traditional carnival, and a young one at that, but if you’re interested in gun rights and related matters, it’s definitely worth a look. Although I miss the "gun pr0n" that’s usually a highlight of the Carnival of Cordite. Speaking of the latter, I almost spaced it out — unfortunately, due to time constraints, C of C #70 is what Gully calls a "classic link-fest" with no pictures. Oh, well — some good entries. And I’ll bet #71 will have lots of cool pictures. 🙂

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Carnival of Cordite #68

Posted by Richard on August 7, 2006

I almost forgot — go check out Carnival of Cordite #68 at Resistance Is Futile! Lots of pictures this time. Some of them are of (ahem) women who are easy on the eyes holding guns. If you’re of the male persuasion, you might find them interesting. 🙂

If you’re of the female persuasion, you might be interested in Gullyborg’s exclusive news about a soon-to-be-announced .50 BMG class for women only. There will be a contest in which you can win a spot in the class, plus a Barrett .50 BMG rifle of your very own. Ladies, go for it — believe me, shooting a .50 BMG is huge fun!

Sorry, gentlemen, no contest for you — but did I mention there are chicks with guns?

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