Let's compare and contrast three recent mass murders. The Westroads mall in Omaha, where Robert Hawkings shot 13 people, killing 8, was a "gun-free zone." That didn't deter the gunman, but it apparently deterred the honest, peaceful shoppers. Hawkings chose when to end the killing — he shot himself.
The Youth With a Mission Center in Arvada, CO, was not a "gun-free zone." One man there said he exchanged fire with the shooter, Matthew Murray, and believes he wounded him (I saw him on Fox31 News, but can't find the video clip or his name at their website). That private citizen ended the killing, and Murray fled.
The New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Murray's next target, was also not a "gun-free zone." Several parishioners who have concealed carry permits provide security for the mega-church. One of them, former policewoman Jeanne Assam, heard the shots when Murray was still in the parking lot. As others fled away from the sound, she moved toward it. Assam shot Murray shortly after he entered the building, ending the killing before many more died:
Jeanne Assam was working security at New Life on Sunday when 24-year-old Matthew Murray began shooting in the parking lot. Three people, including Murray, died during the attack at the 10,000-plus member New Life Church.
…"I saw him coming through the doors and I took cover. And I waited for him to get closer and came out of cover and identified myself and engaged him and took him down," she said.
Assam repeatedly gave credit to God during her news conference on Monday, saying God was with her.
"I was given the assignment to end this before it got too much worse," she said. "I said, 'Holy Spirit, please be with me.' I did not run away and I didn't think to run away. My hands weren't even shaking."
…She appeared along side New Life Church Pastor Brady Boyd at the news conference on Monday.
"If we had not had an armed person on our campus, 50 to 100 people could have lost their lives yesterday," said Boyd.
Boyd isn't exaggerating. There were thousands at the church, and police report that Murray may have had a thousand rounds in his backpack.
Carrying a gun shouldn't be undertaken lightly. Confronting a killer even less so. Both call for a certain level of skill and, more importantly, the proper mindset. The gentleman who stopped Murray in Arvada said he'd served in the military, but (forgive me, sir, if I'm jumping to an unfounded conclusion) I suspect that was some time in the past and he hasn't had much recent firearms practice. He had the courage, but lacked the skill to stop the killer.
Jeanne Assam and the other church security volunteers apparently trained regularly. Assam possessed both the mindset and the physical skill, and many people are alive today because of that.
This incident has given me pause, because I don't get to the range nearly enough. If you own — and especially if you carry — a gun, and if you don't practice much either, please join me in committing to do better in the coming year.
If you choose not to own or carry a gun, I won't try to change your mind. You know yourself, and maybe that's the best choice for you. But try to remember this: if, some unfortunate day, you're in a public place when a homicidal maniac starts shooting people at random, a "gun-free zone" sign won't help you. Your life may depend on there being a Jeanne Assam nearby.