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Posts Tagged ‘blogger bash’

I survived the day after Blogger Bash

Posted by Richard on August 30, 2008

RMBB5000Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 5000, the Donkeys Over Denver edition, was a smashing success. Congrats and thanks to Mr. Lady and Zombyboy for putting together a fantastic event. Thanks to,, and for their sponsorship (which means buying us drinks and food). And thanks to Trios Enoteca for treating us so well and being such a great venue.

It was almost 2 AM and most of the chairs were up on the tables when Off Colfax and I stumbled out of there and up the 16th Street Mall, he heading for the #15 bus and I for the light rail. The 2 AM train was standing room only!

So here's where the one big negative about RMBB 5000 reared its ugly head: to fit the DNCC schedule, it was on a Thursday. That meant going to work in the morning. Later the same morning, that is. 

It was about 3:30 when I hit the sack, wisely deciding against the usual 6 AM alarm. Even the 7 AM alarm required three or four swipes at the snooze button. Thanks to Life Extension Foundation's Anti-Alcohol Antioxidants, I was spared a hangover. (Have I mentioned what a great product that is, and what a fine organization LEF is?) But I'm just way too old to get by on less than four hours' sleep. 

So the workday kind of sucked. And when I got home this evening, a three-hour nap seemed like a great substitute for supper. 

(Oh, yeah — Obama gave a great speech. The substantive policy content totally sucked, but he sure did deliver it! And the many out-of-town lefty bloggers in attendance practically orgasmed right there on the back room floor.)

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Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 5000

Posted by Richard on August 27, 2008

RMBB5000I've got good news and bad news about Thursday night's Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash, the Donkeys Over Denver edition. First, the bad news: It's too late to RSVP — and that means no two free drinks. Now the good news: Anyone and everyone is invited to attend, RSVP or not — you just have to buy your own drinks.

Hey, you were going to buy some anyway, now you just have to buy two more. More info, including how to get there, here.

Now, on a related note, please drop by Billll's Idle Mind and wish him a speedy recovery from his bad bicycle accident. Because he won't be able to attend the Blogger Bash.

Don't get any ideas, though. I've already called dibs on his free drinks. 

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Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash, the DNC edition

Posted by Richard on August 7, 2008

Let's see — the last Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash was number 7.5. So that makes the next one … 5000? WTF?? Well, at least Zombyboy has admitted what we've all known for a while: "Our Numbering Scheme is Inexplicable. Sorry About That."

VodkaPundit thinks 5000 is the number of shots Zombyboy will have to buy us. I think that's way overoptimistic; I doubt he'll spring for more than a couple of hundred.

In any case, don't let crazy numbering stop you from attending RMBB 5000: The Donkeys Over Denver Edition. Don't let all the fuss over at Invesco Field that night stop you, either. This will be much more intellectually stimulating, better company, and more fun (easier to get in, too):

With the kind sponsorship of Lijit and with the hard work of Mr. Lady, the DNC edition of the Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash can finally be announced. Thank God.

August 28, 2008
Trios Enoteca
1730 Wynkoop·Denver, CO 80202
7:30 PM to Close

Free Food and Free Beer & Wine
(In limited supplies and only if we like you.)

Be sure to RSVP — your chance at freebies depends on it. While you're at the site, check out the dozens of people — some of them quite interesting, I promise — who'll be there. 

(I would include a nice "Donkeys Over Denver" logo in this post, but Zombyboy has done some trickery with his code that prevents me from ripping off borrowing the graphic. Curses, foiled again.)

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Blogger bash reminder

Posted by Richard on June 6, 2008

Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.5If you're in the Denver area, don't forget that Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.5 takes place Saturday night at The Corner Office (inside the Curtis Hotel at 14th and Curtis). Festivities begin at 6:30 PM. ResurrectionSong has more info, and you can check out the comments to get an idea of what kind of fascinating people will be attending.

But head on over to to RSVP (don't worry about all the biographical stuff unless you want to; just a name, email, and login is all you need). Because they're sponsoring the event and they're good people. How do I know that? Well, because zombyboy said so, and he hasn't lied to me yet. And because they're buying the drinks! 🙂

UPDATE: Hmm, I wonder if zombyboy gave the ViewMyLife folks a realistic impression of what to expect. Buying drinks for this crowd might require a serious infusion of venture capital. BTW, for you wimminfolk who like bloggers with national reputations, huge followings, and chiseled features, Stephen Green of Vodkapundit will be there. And he's leaving the missus at home.  

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Another blogger bash

Posted by Richard on May 28, 2008

Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.5It's been over two months since the last blogger bash. That's a good enough reason for another one, isn't it? Of course it is.

Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.5 will convene at 6:30 PM, Saturday, June 7th, at The Corner Office. That's inside the Curtis Hotel at 14th and Curtis, and judging from the website, it's a bit trendy and Flash-y (pun intended) for an old curmudgeon like me. But the menu looks OK and they've got Guinness on tap, so I'll be there. How about you?

If so, head on over to ResurrectionSong for more info, check out the comments, and RSVP — either drop a note in the comments or follow David's instructions for becoming a better person and sign up at If you do the latter, he promises email alerts for future blogger bashes (and you don't really have to give them the three pages of detailed biographical data they ask for — just don't forget your email address). 

If you do the former, ask somebody to explain the bash numbering scheme. I've given up trying to understand. 


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Time for a blogger bash

Posted by Richard on March 19, 2008

RMBB 7.3 Resistance is FutileIt's been about five months since Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.2, so according to the experts (that is, zombyboy and whatever cabal he conspires with), it's time for RMBB 7.3. More precisely, 7.3 of 9 or More. That's a Star Trek: Voyager  reference. Note the Borg cube in the graphic Jed created.

(Yes, there's some disagreement about the number and its punctuation. No, I don't understand the RMBB numbering scheme, which has gone from 5.5 to 6 to 6.5-something to 7.2 to 7.3. But I digress.)

RMBB 7.3 (of 9) will commence at 7 PM on Saturday, March 22, at the Falling Rock Tap House in LoDo (lower downtown Denver). Their website has a map. Drop by ResurrectionSong to see who's attending, submit your RSVP, and peruse the comments, where you'll learn that March 22 is William Shatner's birthday. And get a good sense of just how weird and entertaining the attendees are likely to be.

I want to thank David for picking a location just a few blocks from light rail, and all you taxpayers for funding this heavily-subsidized mode of transportation. You've made it possible for me to attend without spending more on cab fare than beer and with no risk (well, minimal risk…) of spending the night in jail.


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I survived RMBB 7.2

Posted by Richard on October 14, 2007

It's shortly after midnight, and I just returned home safely from Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.2, which was at the Irish Snug pub. Got there about 4:30  pm, and left a little after 11:30 pm. It was a fine evening. The first half consisted of lots of good conversation, a very tasty and filling shepherd's pie and salad for dinner, and several Guinness.

The second part of the evening featured live music by singer-guitarist Brian Clancy, who did a terrific job (with help from a bass player and virtually everyone in the bar) of performing more Irish songs than you can shake a shillelagh at. Songbooks were provided to help us with the lyrics. It was a blast. Upon my request, Brian did a fine job on the old Tommy Makem song, "Johnson's Motor Car." I suspect that Brian and I were the only people in the place who'd ever heard of the song. I remember it from a marvelous album that's not even listed in the Makem discograpy, The Clancey Brothers and Tommy Makem Live at Carnegie Hall.

And of course, there were several more Guinness.

I was impressed by the Irish Snug, and plan to go back. The food was good, the service and atmosphere made you feel at home, and it had a good mix of people spanning several generations, all singing songs and drinking and having a good time. Thanks to Off Colfax for suggesting it (and, along with Jed, sharing his smokes; I start to crave nicotine after a few beers), and thanks to DavidJ for buying some of my beers. I owe him some shots next time. Thanks to the folks from Lijit for the fine conversation and the free t-shirt. I'll add their tool to my blog Real Soon Now.

We'll have to do this again sometime soon. But will it be RMBB 7.3 or 8.0? I just don't understand the numbering. 

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Blogger bash

Posted by Richard on October 10, 2007

Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7.2 will commence at 4 PM (!) this Saturday, October 13, in the Irish Snug pub at 1201 E. Colfax (at Downing, across the street from the Ramada Inn). I haven't been there, but Off Colfax likes it and the reviews are good. They have Guinness on tap, so I'll be happy. David Aitken should be happy, too, because he can walk there in about five minutes. Yes, David, you should come — even though it's been a while since you've blogged. 

If you're a blogger, a blogger groupie, or just the occasional reader of Denver-area bloggers wondering what kind of weirdos we are, drop on by and have a drink or two or… Maybe dinner, too. A friend told me they have good food.

ResurrectionSong has more info, including a list of those who've RSVP'd and/or left odd comments. Feel free to RSVP and/or leave an odd comment.

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Train bashing

Posted by Richard on July 8, 2007

Reason #347 why driving my SUV is better than mass transit: Last night's Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash at the Celtic Tavern was just a few blocks from the Union Station light rail stop, so I told myself taking the train would be reasonably convenient and safer than risking a DUI on the way home. Well, the latter was probably true.

I live about half a mile from the Broadway & I-25 station. I got about two-thirds of the way there when the thundershower hit and I had to seek shelter. Fifteen minutes later, I was able to continue.

The train I wanted sat at the station as I worked at getting the ticket machine to accept my dollar bills (an RTD light rail ticket is just about the only thing I can think of that can't be bought by scanning a debit or credit card). It continued to sit as I sprinted toward it, teasing me to within twenty feet before pulling away.

When I finally got to Union Station, it was raining cats and dogs. I waited there for twenty or thirty minutes until it slowed to a light drizzle, and then headed out with alacrity. I was almost at my destination when I realized it wasn't my destination.

In a senior moment, I'd headed for an Irish pub I'd been to in the past, Fadó, instead of the Celtic Tavern. A mere three or four block detour.

All of which explains why I was much more than the seven seconds late that I'd promised.  

Nevertheless, the evening was delightful, with lots of good conversation, and the trip home about one-ish was slow but uneventful (albeit a wee bit hazy). Even the food and service were quite good. I had just one question: How the heck can you run a place called the Celtic Tavern and not serve Guinness and Harp?

The Murphy's Irish Stout was a tolerable substitute, but no Guinness. 

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Blogger bash alert!

Posted by Richard on July 6, 2007

OMG, I've let the next Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash (it's v.6.583…, if you believe Jed) sneak up on me! Tomorrow, on 07/07/07, at 7:07 PM*, various and sundry ink-stained electron-stained wretches will gather at the Celtic Tavern in downtown Denver to imbibe malted barley beverages (hooray, Guiness!) and regale each other with glorious tales of daring commentary and linkery. Join us! You don't have to be a blogger — as long as you have the proper fawning attitude toward us heroic html-slingers, we'll welcome you. Especially if you offer to buy the next round.

* I plan to be 7 seconds late.

Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 7/7/7

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Somewhat abashed

Posted by Richard on February 19, 2007

I’m sorry to say I missed Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash #6 Friday night. No real reason — I just spaced it out. For some reason, I thought it was next week. Oh, well — RMBB #7 will come around soon enough, I’m sure.

As for #6, Jed has more pix than you can shake a stick at. Click the thumbnails to see the large versions if you dare. The pictures prove that Jed’s right — Stephen Green has recovered from his grave illness and is looking good. Despite the really weird shirt. Publicola has a complete rundown on the festivities and attendees, along with links to other bash-posts. I liked Andy’s review best.

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Yikes! Another blogger bash!

Posted by Richard on August 24, 2006

Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 5.5Honestly, sometimes I don’t know where my head’s at. I meant to post a link to the official announcement of Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 5.5 about 3 weeks ago — and RSVP, too. Oh, well, it’s not until Friday — plenty of time.

Here are the details: it’s Friday, Aug. 25, about 6ish, at the Moon Time Bar (formerly Minturn Saloon), 846 Broadway, Denver. David J said it’s "Open to bloggers, commenters, significant others, and random passers-by." I think that means you’re invited. Go to the official announcement to see who else is attending and to RSVP.

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