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Posts Tagged ‘abuse of power’

Power corrupts, and so does entitlement mentality

Posted by Richard on March 28, 2014

In case you haven’t seen details about Leland Yee’s arrest in the news, you can catch up with Anti-gun CA state senator charged with firearms trafficking, corruption (posted yesterday). MSM coverage seems to be scant. Despite the fact that we’ve been bombarding @CNN with tweets about their lack any mention, as of this writing a search at CNN for “Leland Yee arrested” returns the message “Your search leland yee arrested did not match any documents.”

Yee is the third liberal Democrat state legislator arrested on corruption charges in California in the past year. In an excellent column, Eric Golub attributes this to two reasons. The first has to do with power:

While corruption knows no ideology, it is more than a coincidence that liberal Democrats in very progressive areas are the ones who keep getting accused of breaking the law. In California, Democrats control everything. The Democratic Party’s veto-proof majority gives them absolute power.

Lord Acton’s maxim about absolute power corrupting absolutely has rung true again.

Los Angeles and San Francisco are liberal cities, with San Francisco being a haven for hard-left policies. When no one is able or willing to challenge the dominant ideology, corruption is bound to set in as it does in third world dictatorships.

States where Republicans control everything tend to see fewer Democrats getting into trouble.

The second reason has to do with entitlement:

… the Democratic Party has become the party of entitlement; California epitomizes that entitlement mentality. When people believe they are entitled to things, greed sets in.

California is where liberal Democrat Sandra Fluke is running for a Los Angeles Senate seat so she and her fellow feminists can receive the free birth control they are entitled to. California is where liberal Democrat San Diego Mayor Bob Filner was forced out after a lifetime of sexually abusing women — the epitome of a man with an entitlement mentality.

While Fluke has not broken any laws, her behavior is similar to Filner’s. Other people have stuff they want, so they think it is just acceptable to take it.

When people believe that their right to have stuff trumps the law, laws will be broken. Wright, Calderon and Yee were just behaving the way many other people representing their ideology continue to behave.


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More Obama administration lawlessness to come?

Posted by Richard on March 18, 2014

The Obama administration has ignored laws, unilaterally changed laws, and administratively enacted laws, demonstrating complete indifference to the separation of powers and contempt for the legislative branch. Now it seems poised to also demonstrate its contempt for the judicial branch. Michael Cannon at Forbes (bold emphasis added):

As readers of this blog know, the plaintiffs in Halbig v. Sebelius and three similar cases are challenging the IRS’s attempt to issue certain subsidies and impose certain taxes where it has no authority to do so: in the 34 states that have chosen not to establish a health insurance “exchange” under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Oral arguments in Halbig are scheduled for March 25 before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

Read all about the these cases here.

On Wednesday, March 12, government lawyers filed with the court a brief but strange “notice of supplemental authority” that seems to suggest the IRS will keep issuing those subsidies and imposing those taxes even if the court declares the agency has no authority to do so.

Instead of jailing “climate change deniers,” we should jail “Constitution deniers.”

The Cato Institute has lots more about Halbig and related cases.

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