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Suspicious biceps

Posted by Richard on August 15, 2007

J.F. Beck pointed out this story from Sweden illustrating how the drug war is pursued in a liberal, enlightened,  socialist paradise that cares about the health of its citizens and isn't being turned into a police state by Bush and the neocons:

A well-built man was forced to take a drugs test in Stockholm recently after a police officer assumed that muscles like his could only have been developed with the help of illegal substances.

According to Boduljak, 27, the police officer was pleasant at first, but changed her attitude when he said he worked out. Saying his muscles were 'abnormal', she said he must have used drugs.

Despite Boduljak's assurances that he didn't use steroids, she forced him to go to the police station and give a urine test. In her report, the officer said he had "unusually large muscles, particularly large arm muscles, which are a sign of steroid use."

Mr. Boduljak's urine was clean, and he was released.

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