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Support the gay John Roberts

Posted by Richard on August 12, 2005

The left and its allies in the media have outdone themselves attempting to smear Supreme Court nominee John Roberts. There have been rumors and speculation that he might be gay, an investigation of his kid’s adoptions, and the completely baseless charge that he "excused" anti-abortion terrorist bombings. As I said in a previous post:

I still don’t know what to think of Judge Roberts. But I know what I think of his enemies (and, yes, the mainstream media have most certainly chosen to be his enemies). They’re slimeballs. Beneath contempt.

But after you’ve uttered a few well-chosen insults, the best response to such crap is humor. Therefore, I commend to you Conservative Bloggers Who Support The Gay Judge Roberts. It’s a hoot, and so is their picture of Roberts:

We are not saying that Judge Roberts is gay. But even if he is, the Conservative Bloggers Who Support the Gay Justice Roberts still support him. Even if he is gay. 

I’d sign up, but I’m not a conservative blogger — not that there’s anything wrong with that — and I’m still not sure what I think of Roberts. But I can’t help liking a site that posts gems such as this:

Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, said, "I admit that I like the straight Judge Roberts better, but I also like the gay Judge Roberts. We will continue to support him."

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