Short notice: Blogger Bash next Saturday
Posted by Richard on January 24, 2012
Billll is feeling the need for another Blogger Bash. He’s quit bothering with the increasingly arcane numbering, so I’m christening it Rocky Mountain Blogger Bash 2012.1. It will commence about 6:30 (at least, that’s when Billll promises to arrive) at Merle’s (unless he changes his mind again) in downtown Littleton. It’s only a few blocks from the Littleton/Downtown light rail station, for those of you (like me) looking for a risk-free (you know what I mean) transportation alternative.
Bloggers, friends or fans of bloggers, blogger wannabes, and blogger groupies are all invited. Clever conversations, witty repartee, unbridled silliness, and a good time are virtually guaranteed. Especially if Stephen Green shows up and buys shots.
Check the comments at Billll’s post for any late updates and add your own RSVP if you’re coming.
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