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Send a message: Spend Less Now

Posted by Richard on March 8, 2011

AFP-Colorado is holding a rally at the State Capitol Wednesday to send a simple message to the Governor and Legislature:

Are you tired of watching those who rally the government for more and more on the evening news every night while you are at the kitchen table figuring out how your family is making ends meet?
It’s time that you stand up and let your voice be heard!
Some legislators in the Colorado Senate just proposed a $1.6 billion tax increase without offering any ideas to reduce government spending.
Colorado faces a budget shortfall of more than $1 billion. It is time we tell our Colorado leaders to Spend Less Now!!
Join us as we make our voices heard at the State Capitol.

Wednesday, March 9th
Colorado State Capitol – West Steps

If you're in the Denver area and can swing by there on your lunch hour, please add your voice. If, like me, you can't make it to the rally, go to to sign the Spend Less Now petition.

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