Seeking healthier arteries
Posted by Richard on April 14, 2005
Some time ago, I got an EBT CT scan of my heart and lungs. It showed moderate calcification, an indicator of arterial plaque levels. I also had total cholesterol of 212. Not good.
Those were a couple of the reasons I finally quit smoking last December. I’ve also been trying to reduce the bad fats in my diet, both by changing foods and by preventing their absorption. More recently, I’ve begun exercising more and taking Sytrinol.
Blood test a couple of weeks ago showed improvement. My total cholesterol is down to 191, while the HDL (good) remained at 55. Triglycerides are down, too. But the LDL (bad) is still at 130, and my doctor would like to get it below 100. So he wants to put me on Lipitor. I’m a bit reluctant to risk the side effects — I can think of more enjoyable ways to damage my liver, thank you.
I’ve told him I’d like to give the Sytrinol, exercise, etc., a few more months. But maybe I should ask him about this alternative.
Anonymous said
Your liver may escape, but some of the other side effects are annoying. Like, almost constant diarrhea.