Samsphere Colorado
Posted by Richard on April 11, 2008
Are you a Colorado blogger? Have you ever thought about blogging, but don't know how to get started? Would you like to know more about blogging and get some advice from successful, liberty-oriented Colorado bloggers? On Saturday, April 19, the Sam Adams Alliance is presenting Samsphere Colorado, an all-day event at the Adam's Mark Hotel in downtown Denver.
Samsphere is a new media forum, hosted by the Sam Adams Alliance, where bloggers and e-activists from across the country can gather together to network and share ideas.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Heavy-weight (and awesomely weird) national blogger Jeff Goldstein
- Independence Institute President Jon Caldara (one of the smartest and funniest people on the Colorado political scene)
- The Denver Post's David Harsanyi (whose columns are the best thing about that rag, and whose new book, The Nanny State, I'm really looking forward to reading)
With a lineup like that, Samsphere Colorado is worth far more than the price of admission — which is only $20 (cash or check at the door), including lunch.
If you're a blogger, or remotely interested in blogging, you won't want to miss the Blogging 101 presentation and other blogging workshops, either. Afterward, at the Happy Hour, you can hobnob with big-time bloggers (and small fry like me) and take bets on whether Goldstein remains sober and civil.
Click the banner in the left sidebar (or the link above) to sign up now! There's only room for about 50 attendees, so reserve your place now. And look for me at the event — I'll be the bearded curmudgeon.
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