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Salazar offers to keep his promise if…

Posted by Richard on May 19, 2005

The Denver Post reported this morning that Sen. Ken Salazar was offering a deal on judicial nominees:

Salazar publicly floated a compromise plan offering "up-or- down votes" for all seven of Bush’s controversial appeals- court nominees in exchange for a guarantee that Democrats keep the right to filibuster other nominees until early 2007.

During his Senate campaign, Salazar promised to support "an up-or-down vote" for every nominee. He’s since tried to weasel his way out of that pledge — it was misunderstood, taken out of context, I don’t recall the wording of the question, etc.

But Salazar didn’t make the promise just once in a Rocky Mountain News interview. That pledge was one of the centerpieces of his effort to portray himself as a moderate within the Colorado "mainstream," and not a liberal. He repeated it at many campaign stops and elaborated upon it thusly (per Judicial Confirmation Blog, emphasis added): 

"One of the most disgracefully partisan spectacles of President Bush’s first term was the way Senate Democrats obstructed the appointment of his judicial nominees with filibusters."

So now, Salazar is offering to keep the unconditional promise he made, but only if his conditions are met. If they aren’t, he says he’ll behave in a disgracefully partisan manner.

Radio news at lunchtime was reporting that the negotiations have collapsed. If you’re a Colorado resident, contact Sen. Salazar’s office today. Tell them that you agree with his assessment during the campaign that these filibusters are disgracefully partisan. Tell them you demand that the Senator keep his word. Contact information, courtesy of

Sen. Ken Salazar (D)
40A Dirksen Senate Office Building
(202) 224-5852; 228-5036
Denver: (303) 455-7600
Web Site

If you’re outside of Colorado, it won’t hurt to contact Salazar, but your own senators are a better bet. See for their contact info.

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3 Responses to “Salazar offers to keep his promise if…”

  1. Anonymous said

    And I sort of liked the guy. I guess this is one of the reasons I am a Libertarian. You can’t trust the old guard.

    BTW, how is the Death Tax thing coming? Anyone know if the Senate passed the bill to end it permanently or if it is still on the table? If it is still out there, Ken needs to be contacted about it as well.


  2. Anonymous said

    I may have missed it, but I don’t think the Death Tax is dead yet. The Senate hasn’t been getting much done lately. Good luck with Ken on that one — IIRC, he pushed envy and wealth-bashing pretty hard during the campaign.

    As for who you can trust, I think George Washington Sears had it about right:

    “Love many, trust few. Always paddle your own canoe.”

  3. Libercontrarian said

    I could see that turkey coming from a million miles away – even his brother, a member of the state House, doesn’t like him!

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