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Restoring self-defense rights in national parks

Posted by Richard on July 13, 2008

The Department of the Interior is accepting public comments on its proposed regulatory change regarding guns in national parks. Right now, firearms can only be transported through a national park if they're unloaded, locked up, disassembled, and have their bores stuffed with Skittles. Or something like that.

I don't know all the details of the new rule, but I understand that it allows people who can legally carry outside the park to carry a loaded weapon inside, thus restoring their right to self-defense.

I encourage you to submit a comment supporting this change, and Instapundit found a way to do so easily, and on the anti-gunners' dime. The National Parks Conservation Association has an online form that lets you submit your comment to the appropriate office, with copies sent to your senators and congresscritter.

NPCA has some suggested language for your comment — some kind of nonsense about how troubled you are by loaded guns — but as Glenn pointed out, you're free to edit the comment (nudge, nudge, wink, wink).

Want some help with your comments? Glenn posted suggested language from Marc Danziger, and my comment is below. I recommend not using either verbatim, but borrow from them to say something in your own words. 

My submission (with a stupid typo corrected after the fact — d'oh!):

 I'm very pleased that the administration is considering allowing loaded guns in national parks. Forty states routinely permit honest, law-abiding citizens to carry weapons so they can defend themselves and their families. Contrary to the claims of gun banners, this has led to less crime and violence, not more.

The same will be true in our national parks. That's because, just like in Washington, New York, and Chicago, the people inclined to commit violent crime don't pay any attention to gun bans. So these restrictions serve only to disarm the honest, peaceful people and leave them at the mercy of predators.

Arguably, the need for guns is greater in the backcountry or at remote campsites and trailheads. Help is far away, and we are on our own. Sometimes, not even a cell phone call to 911 is possible.

I urge you to adopt this sensible step toward recognizing our self-defense rights in our national parks. Thank you for considering my views.

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