Passive Voice Day is to be celebrated today
Posted by Richard on April 27, 2012
It was announced by Shaun the other day that today is a special day:
It has again been decided that April 27th will be passive voice day. Fun will be had by everybody as the passive voice is used for tweets, blogs, and casual conversation. The active voice will be frowned upon. The hashtag #passivevoiceday should be used when passive voice is used in social media, so the fun can be shared by all.
Why is this being done? Simple. It’s considered fun. No point is being made. It’s just enjoyed when things are taken to an absurd extreme.
It seems to be a good idea, so it’s my pleasure to be calling attention to this occasion. It will be tweeted about momentarily and my colleagues will be alerted. A good time will be had by all.
jed said
And, Save the Frogs day will be celebrated tomorrow. (No, not the French)
It is thought by some that the subjunctive mood ought to be celebrated as well.