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Our Country Deserves Better bus tour

Posted by Richard on October 19, 2008

Our Country Deserves Better is conducting a cross-country bus tour, and tonight they stopped in Denver. I attended the rally. The audience was small — about 40 or so — but enthusiastic. I'm not surprised by the small turnout. For me, it was an easy light rail trip and a 1½ block walk. But if I were a suburban Denverite asked to drive there in my Lexus, I think I'd pass.

The location was Lincoln Park at 1144 Osage Street. That's the park and community recreation center just across the street from Denver's largest public housing project. There's a sign there announcing that the Denver Housing Authority is rehabilitating it. I'm guessing that, after years of government efforts to "disperse" public housing "clients," the ones remaining in these rabbit warrens are those deemed least likely to be successfully integrated into other communities.

So how did this rally end up there? I suspect that someone from the organization's headquarters (in California, I think) called the appropriate office in Denver government for a permit (Parks and Recreation Dept., maybe?). They explained that they wanted a permit for a "Stop Obama" rally, and the Denver bureaucrat handling the call said, "I've got just the place for you." I bet they had quite a laugh in that office afterward.

Given the location and its demographics, it was ironic that the only minority at the rally was tour member Lloyd Marcus. He was great. He's a damn fine singer and a pretty decent songwriter. And he's the president of the NAACPC — the National Association for the Advancement of Conservative People of Color. He performed some fine songs, including his Palin version of Sarah Smile (YouTube version below).

The moment that touched me was when Lloyd Marcus said, with his eyes glistening, "Don't let them tell you if you vote against Obama you're a racist!" 

Choked me up. I shook his hand and thanked him for his courage. And then I donated the two twenties in my wallet to the cause. Best wishes to you, Lloyd Marcus!


UPDATE: I have a few pix on my camera, but (as usual) still haven't downloaded them. Never mind, there's a great photo essay (along with text) of the Pueblo, CO, event here.

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