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Objective journalism?

Posted by Richard on July 14, 2013’s Big Journalism reports that:

After George Zimmerman was found not guilty of all charges on Saturday evening, an Associated Press reporter, Cristina Silva, tweeted this out from her verified twitter account: “So we can all kill teenagers now? Just checking.”

And the Huffington Post reported the George Zimmerman verdict like this:


Yesterday, John Nolte posted a roundup of the “malicious fraud and lies” propagated by the media regarding George Zimmerman — certainly incomplete, but sufficiently extensive to prove the point — entitled “Guilty Until Proven Innocent: How the Press Prosecuted Zimmerman While Stoking Racial Tensions.” Regarding this item in Nolte’s roundup, I’d like to add a bit more information:

March 19, 2012 – CBS News Falsely Claims Zimmerman Is White

A small detail that the Obama administration and the media apparently missed was that the white versus black racial narrative they were preparing to invest so much into was missing just one thing: a white person.

Proof of this is that CBS News falsely claimed Zimmerman was white about a week before the story exploded.

In their venomous zeal, the media and Democrats likely assumed that someone with the last name Zimmerman had to be white. But they were wrong, as Zimmerman is Hispanic.

Never ones to back off a good narrative, rather than use this revelation to tamp down tensions or correct their reporting, the media simply made up out of whole cloth a new racial category: the “white Hispanic.”

It’s even more contemptible than that. Zimmerman isn’t just Hispanic, he’s part black. Did you ever see an MSM report identifying him as a “black and white Hispanic”? Of course not.

They aren’t journalists. They’re propagandists.

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One Response to “Objective journalism?”

  1. Rick Shultz said

    English is a fairly precise language and if you are “Not Guilty” of something, then by definition you are Innocent of the act you were accused of. Period. End of discussion. Some overconfident, overbearing, uncivilized, rash, and I could go on, teenager got in an ordinary Joe’s face who was tired of all the blacks committing crime on whites in his neighborhood, which is what the vast majority of blacks are either dead or in prison for, tried to hurt him seriously and got his dumb ass shot. QED But it’s a race crime they rant! Seems they need to read the whole(corrected) thing as you have said so many times.

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