Obama’s view of America
Posted by Richard on August 23, 2008
On Wednesday, Obama suggested he sees no difference between Baathist Iraq and democratic Georgia:
Democrat Barack Obama scolded Russia again on Wednesday for invading another country’s sovereign territory while adding a new twist: the United States, he said, should set a better example on that front, too.
“We’ve got to send a clear message to Russia and unify our allies,” Obama told a crowd of supporters in Virginia. “They can’t charge into other countries. Of course it helps if we are leading by example on that point.”
On Thursday, Obama displayed an astonishing ignorance of what China is like:
Barack Obama made the following statement in a speech yesterday:
Everybody's watching what's going on in Beijing right now with the Olympics. Think about the amount of money that China has spent on infrastructure. Their ports, their train systems, their airports are vastly the superior to us now, which means if you are a corporation deciding where to do business you're starting to think, "Beijing looks like a pretty good option."
(Read the rest of Dale Franks' post for a different view of China. Read this Jim Geraghty post for three recent examples of how superior China's ports, trains, and airports really are.)
But what struck me was how these two statements, taken together, crystallize Barack Obama's view of America: The Chinese are better than us, and the Russians are no worse.
RedPencil said
“the idiot who praises, with enthusiastic tone,
every century but this and every country but his own”
W.S. Gilbert
rgcombs said
Excellent! I haven’t heard ”The Mikado” in decades and had forgotten that line, but it’s perfect for Obama. And legions of others like him.