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Obama maximizes carbon footprint

Posted by Richard on March 1, 2011

OK, I'll admit this is pretty much a "dog bites man" story, given the long history of ruling class leftists hectoring the rest of us to reduce our carbon footprint while jetting about the world. But it's worth noting, nonetheless, since the MSM surely won't. It seems that Barack and Michele Obama just can't find a competent personal trainer in the D.C. area (actually, there's no evidence they ever tried). So they're having their Chicago personal trainer flown into Washington every week to see to their fitness needs. 

I guess it's not easy getting rid of the extra pounds put on by scarfing up ribs, but is it really necessary for the taxpayers to pay an exorbitant amount to make sure that the First Lady doesn't look like the total hypocrite she is when she lectures us about our diet?

(HT: Instapundit)

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