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New John Stossel special

Posted by Richard on October 18, 2008

John Stossel has a new one-hour special on ABC's 20/20 tonight, John Stossel's Politically Incorrect Guide to Politics. It dares to suggest that if you know more about Judge Judy than you know about the Supreme Court, maybe it's your civic duty not to vote.

That sounds like must-see TV to me. Like all Stossel specials. Check it out — 10 Eastern, 9 Central/Mountain.

UPDATE: Great show! I especially liked the New Orleans segment. I hope you watched it.

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4 Responses to “New John Stossel special”

  1. Patricia Bryan said

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, John Stossel for doing this special!!!!! You said what I have always believed. Get government out of the private sector!!!!!

    Bless you,


  2. rgcombs said

    I’m glad you saw it. It was terrific, wasn’t it?

    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Scott Martin said

    This story by Stossel was so dead on. I’ve been arguing in favor of a current events/politics test for voters forever. Too bad ACORN seems to be taking things the opposite way. Maybe we’ll see a backlash.

  4. rgcombs said

    I’ve always liked the idea of a constitutional amendment prohibiting net tax receivers from voting. And I’d apply that not just to government employees and welfare and subsidy recipients, but also to businesspeople whose earnings from doing business with the government exceed their taxes.

    If you stand to gain from more government spending, then you have a conflict of interest. You shouldn’t be able to vote yourself more of other people’s money.

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