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New Amendment 64 ad

Posted by Richard on October 19, 2012

On the Channel 7 10pm local news tonight, I saw the latest ad by the Colorado Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, featuring retired Denver cop Tony Ryan. Excellent! Here it is:

[YouTube link]

I know Tony Ryan. He’s one of the most honorable, brave, and decent people I know. I’ve never asked, but I’m willing to bet he’s never smoked pot in his life. And he no longer lives in Colorado. He’s doing this not because there’s any personal benefit, but because it’s the right thing to do. I’m absolutely outraged that Roger Sherman, campaign director of the anti-64 organization, smeared Tony as a “pro-pot rent-a-cop.”

Tony was one of the cops who responded to the Columbine shooting. I was present in the audience the first time he publicly talked about that day. I saw the emotions on his face as he recounted what happened. I trembled and teared up hearing him tell it.

I don’t know who Roger Sherman is, but to me he is vermin for attempting to denigrate a 36-year veteran of the Denver PD with a record of heroism and exemplary community service for political purposes.

If you can spare a few bucks (or a few hundred bucks), make a donation to the Colorado Campaign to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol to help keep Tony’s ad on the air. Do it right now. The window for buying air time between now and Nov. 6 is rapidly closing.

BTW, I’ve also heard an excellent radio ad in favor of Amendment 64 by former Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo. I can’t find it online, but there’s a YouTube video of him endorsing it at a press conference. And the 700 Club’s Pat Robertson, an evangelical leader of the Christian right, is also “absolutely” in favor of Amendment 64.

If you have any friends in Colorado, especially conservative, “Christian right,” or moderate/muddled/independent friends, share this information with them and urge them to vote for Amendment 64.

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One Response to “New Amendment 64 ad”

  1. Olivia said

    I saw him speak at Liberty on the Rocks. Not exactly the most prepossessing speaker, but the man definitely has all the data and anecdotes under his belt. He’s one of the best fighters of the good fight I’ve met.

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