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MSM anoints Murkowski, Miller says not so fast

Posted by Richard on November 18, 2010

Lisa Murkowski has been declared re-elected by the New York Times and other MSM outlets. But Joe Miller hasn't thrown in the towel, and his campaign is raising serious issues regarding the fairness, accuracy, and honesty of the current count (emphasis added):

In order to ensure the integrity of the election results, the Miller campaign has requested, and the Division of Elections has now granted, the opportunity to review some precinct logs from throughout the state. Miller campaign spokesman Randy DeSoto said, “Our campaign has sworn affidavits identifying unsecured ballot boxes, other precincts where numerous ballots appear to be in the same handwriting, others where there is 100% voter turnout and still other precincts where the ballots were sent to the Division of Elections presorted by U.S. Senate candidate. These and other irregularities give our campaign pause. Alaskans must be able to trust the results of its elections.”

One important step in reviewing the results of the election is ensuring that the number of voters signed in the precinct logs on Election Day matches the number of votes being recorded from that precinct and that there is no evidence of voter fraud. Further verification of these totals will have to come from the tapes that the voting machines produce with a tally of the number of voters and the break down between candidates. So far the Division of Elections has failed to respond to the Miller request for these tapes.

Additionally, the Murkowski write-in ballots have undergone a hand count review where spoiled ballots are being counted for her, whereas the Miller ballots have all been counted by machine with many valid ballots not being included.

I have no way of judging the validity of the Miller campaign's allegations. It's possible that Murkowski won fair and square — possible, but not likely. If there was no funny business, why has the Alaska political establishment gone to such lengths to block reasonable, legally sanctioned efforts — like matching the machine tallies against the number of votes recorded — to ensure that the counts are accurate? When people go to great lengths to hide things, it strongly suggests they have something to hide.

I've made another donation to the Miller campaign to fund their ongoing efforts to ensure a fair count. Please consider doing the same.

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