Moonbats in Nawlins
Posted by Richard on December 11, 2005
Did you see the mainstream media coverage of the protest rally Saturday in New Orleans? Neighborhood groups and community leaders asking for a voice in the rebuilding of their communities, right?
Well, Louisiana Libertarian Kevin Boyd provides the details about who was protesting what that the TV news stories I saw omitted. Naturally, International A.N.S.W.E.R., the Troops Out Now Coalition, and the New Black Panthers were involved.
Be sure to click on over to Kevin’s photo album — he’s got some great pictures of the event. My favorite poster: "FROM BAGHDAD TO NEW ORLEANS CAPITALISM MEANS RACIST MASS MURDER"
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VRB said
In the scheme of things, Che Guevera is dead, Bobby Seale has a cookbook and Kanye West is a capitalist.
Anonymous said
Is the cookbook any good? Is it recipes for the barbecue grill? (Burn, baby, burn!) 😉