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Military madness

Posted by Richard on May 3, 2007

This may be the single stupidest decision to come out of the Pentagon since the Vietnam War days. It's so short-sighted and ignorant and insanely counter-productive that it causes weird conspiracy theories like the ones I sometimes have about the Stupid Party to cross my mind: Could this be the work of someone trying to ensure failure and defeat? Someone deliberately silencing the most knowledgeable, articulate, informative, effective, moving, and persuasive voices in support of the War Against Islamofascism? It might as well be; the effect is the same, regardless of the motive.

It's too late and I'm too tired to write up the lengthy but unfocused rant that's been bubbling up since I first heard this news. So I'll just let Hugh Hewitt fill you in:

The Pentagon has issued new regulations effectively shutting down all active duty military blogs. 

I find this decision to be so amazingly ill-informed about how the milblogs have served the war effort and the cause of the military as to raise real doubts about the military's ability to ever get ahead of the enemy in the information war.  Really, if such a blunder can happen without anyone even asking about the ill effects on the effort to keep information flowing from people in the know to combat the ceaseless propaganda from the enemy, then the brass involved cannot possibly understand how the information war is playing out.

Another story:

The new rules (.pdf) obtained by Wired News require a commander be consulted before every blog update.

"This is the final nail in the coffin for combat blogging," said retired paratrooper Matthew Burden, editor of The Blog of War anthology. "No more military bloggers writing about their experiences in the combat zone. This is the best PR the military has — it's most honest voice out of the war zone. And it's being silenced." 

In my mind, it's anybody's guess as to who's more interested in silencing milbloggers, the Islamofascists or the Democrats. Michelle Malkin has lots more info. The 2007 Milblog Conference is this weekend, making this story even more ironic and infuriating.

I can't even think clearly about what should be done — maybe tomorrow. Some moron with stars on his shoulders ought to be horsewhipped. Express your outrage to somebody somewhere who might make a difference. You are outraged, aren't you? 

UPDATE: The online firestorm this ignited seems to be having an effect. The Army is backing offsort of. Maybe. It sounds to me a bit like, "Well, the regulations don't really mean what they say. Unless your CO decides they do." I suspect we'll be hearing more about this.

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3 Responses to “Military madness”

  1. Hathor said

    It’s the military.

  2. Libercontrarian said

    I have to agree with Hathorn. I was in the military. Stupidity, and doing things the hard way for the hard way’s sake, now coupled with a vicious jolt of PC, is a way of life.

    I’m glad I’m out. The bureaucrats and ladder-climbers have won; they get the military that they (think) they want – one that will be worring itself silly over the fate of the most vicious and criminal enemies this country has ever faced.

    Would today’s military have survived even 20 minutes on Tarawa with the Japanese Army of WWII?

  3. A Newt One said


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