Louisiana Libertarian is OK
Posted by Richard on September 8, 2005
Kevin Boyd, the Louisiana Libertarian, contacted the Life, Liberty, Property community this morning to let us know he’s safe. He had evacuated from Slidell on the Sunday before the storm hit. I mentioned Kevin in my first Katrina post on the following Wednesday:
I’m concerned about my fellow Life, Liberty, Property blogger, Kevin Boyd (Louisiana Libertarian). I only ‘cyber-know’ him, but he’s from a northern suburb of New Orleans. He hasn’t posted since Saturday, and I hope that’s only because he’s resting safely in a motel a few hundred miles north.
Kevin said he was able to return to Slidell this past Sunday, and his property wasn’t severely damaged. But he won’t be able to live there for some time. He guessed there’d be no power for a month.
Needless to say, Kevin has a story to tell and some opinions about the relief efforts and the future. He promised to have a new post up later today. I’m looking forward to it and will pass the news along when it’s up.
UPDATE: Kevin’s new post is up. He has some interesting thoughts about the politics in the aftermath and where the blame lies for the response problems: FEMA — some; the state gov’t — lots and lots; Mayor Nagin — not much. I agree, except I think he’s being too easy on the mayor (maybe he hasn’t read about the Hyatt evacuation and the abandoned buses yet). Of course, my perspective is from 1500 miles away, so what do I know?
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