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LGF outs anti-Palin smear site

Posted by Richard on August 31, 2008

It looked like a right-wing, anti-gay attack on Gov. Sarah Palin, complete with this warning (emphasis in original):

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote for gay marriage.

But Little Green Football's Charles Johnson knows a little something about investigations on the internet, and it didn't take him long to discover that the source was not what you'd think. It didn't take long after that for the whole thing to quietly slink away. 

Read the whole thing (scroll down past Zombie updates) — it's hilarious. Good work, Charles! 

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2 Responses to “LGF outs anti-Palin smear site”

  1. Bill Lenner said

    It’s slimy to tell the truth about someone as validated by a news article in a newspaper?

    Who knew.

    Really, If Ms. Palin (or John McCain and his campaign) can’t handle the truth being put out there, then let us know.

    Americans need to understand if one of the candidates dislikes a discussion on the truth.

  2. rgcombs said

    Telling the truth about a liberal is routinely described as “swift-boating” by the left.

    But the main point of this site wasn’t telling the truth. The excerpt from the newspaper article in no way validates the statement I quoted:

    ””’A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote for gay marriage.””’

    The excerpt from the newspaper article instead suggests that Palin’s veto prevented existing benefits from being taken away.

    I agree with Charles Johnson:

    ”…it’s more than a little slimy to be a supporter of the “progressive” campaign of Barack Obama, then turn around and use Sarah Palin’s pro-gay rights positions against her in a creepy anonymous web site…”

    And I’m more, not less, favorably inclined toward her by what she did.

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