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Kerry: dumb as Bush

Posted by Richard on June 8, 2005

Now we know why Kerry wouldn’t release his military records. They contain his Yale transcript, and it turns out that Kerry was a C student, just like Bush. In fact, his numerical score was a point below Bush’s. And, as WorldNetDaily notes, his freshman year was abysmal (emphasis added):

Newly released Navy records of Sen. John Kerry show the 2004 Democratic presidential candidate, who was portrayed as the intellectual superior of President Bush, actually received a lower academic average than his rival while studying at Yale, including five Ds.

The transcript shows that Kerry’s freshman-year average was 71, or a low C. He scored a 61 in geology, a 63 and 68 in two history classes, and a 69 in political science. His top score was a 79, in another political science course. Another of his strongest efforts, a 77, came in French class. His highest single grade was an 89, for a political science class in his senior year.

Bush received one D in his four years at Yale, scoring a 69 in astronomy. The president has described himself as a C student in college.

One of Kerry’s strongest efforts was in French. That’s just too funny.

After "Bush lied about WMDs," nothing has been more widely repeated and fervently believed by the left than that Bush is a simpleton, a dunce, a mere buffoon, and that Kerry is a brilliant, nuanced thinker. Well, maybe "selected, not elected" is right up there, too. All three beliefs are false.

I’ve always wondered why the Kerry campaign so eagerly embraced the idea that Bush is stupid — it quickly invited the obvious question, "Then why aren’t you beating him easily?" I suspect they couldn’t help themselves. Kerry, Theresa, and the blue-blood Eastern liberal intelligentsia around them are remarkably arrogant people. And Kerry himself is so wrapped up in his own image that, since the grades weren’t public, I’m sure he really believed in his own intellectual superiority. Just like Al Gore, who flunked out of Vanderbilt, believed in his.

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