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Jarhead joke

Posted by Richard on April 16, 2011

A friend sent me this:

In January, 2013 an old man walks up to a Marine guard in front of the White
House. He says, "Son, will President Obama be in today?"

The Marine says, "Sir, Mr. Obama lost the election. He no longer lives here."

"Thank you, son."

The next day, the old man approaches the guard again and asks, "Is President
Obama in today?"

"No, sir, he lost the election. He no longer lives here."

"Thank you, son."

The third day, the old man comes up again, and asks again if President Obama
is in. The Marine replies, "Sir, as I've told you the last two days, Mr. Obama
lost the election. He doesn't live here now. Why do you keep asking?

The old man smiles and says, "Because I love to hear you say it, son."

The Marine snaps to attention, smiles and says, "Same time tomorrow, Sir!"

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