I’ve failed
Posted by Richard on March 13, 2007
I'm so disappointed. I feel completely inadequate as a pro-freedom blogger. Granted, it's been a while since I made even a passing reference to China's organ harvesting, or mentioned its censorship and repression, or linked to a story about the brutal torture of a Tibetan nun. But I thought these Chicoms were thorough and had long memories! How can they do this to me??
It appears that Combs Spouts Off is not banned in China.
Oh, the shame!
(HT: Kentucky Dan, who is banned in China and gloated about it)
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Dana said
What you need to do is offer your site as a sort of portal for Chinese visitors seeking news from all those big guys who have attracted the attention of the Chinese authorities. Then, either you will get their attention, or you will be providing a very useful service to people in China.
Either way, it sounds good to me at least.
liuzhou said
Kentucky Dan, may have gloated about being banned, but the simple truth is that it is not true. The blog is freely available.
rgcombs said
”Kentucky Dan, may have gloated about being banned, but the simple truth is that it is not true. The blog is freely available.”
[gasp] Don’t tell me he lied to gain street cred in the LLP community! Maybe there was a temporary problem with greatwallofchina.org, or maybe there’s something fundamentally flawed about their methodology. Anyway, thanks, liuzhou — I still feel inadequate, somehow, but maybe a bit better about it. 😉