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Inadequate armor?

Posted by Richard on January 31, 2006

It looks like ABC’s Bob Woodruff and Doug Vogt will survive their injuries. The men were hurt by a roadside bomb as they were taping a "standup" in the open hatch of an Iraqi light armored vehicle near Baghdad. They’re on their way home to the United States after being treated at the US Army’s Landstuhl medical center in Germany:

Woodruff’s brother said the "World News Tonight" co-anchor’s condition "improved markedly" overnight, and a doctor said the prognosis for both injured men was "excellent."

A C-17 medical evacuation plane took off from the U.S. base at Ramstein on Tuesday afternoon carrying the two journalists and 28 U.S. service personnel, including several others hurt in Iraq.

When I first heard about their wounding on Sunday, a thought occurred to me, but I set it aside as too callous and snarky to voice while they were near death. Will anyone in the media ask why ABC News provided Woodruff and Vogt with clearly inadequate body armor?

Yes, I’m aware that one doctor credited their body armor with saving their lives. But both men suffered significant shrapnel injuries despite their armor. So, applying the same standard that was applied to the U.S. government by critics of vehicle and body armor, the fact that their armor didn’t prevent all injuries proves that it wasn’t adequate. If even the possibility of stronger armor exists, then ABC News is culpable for not providing it.

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