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HillaryCare v2.0

Posted by Richard on September 19, 2007

I haven't read much about Sen. Clinton's grand new health care plan, but lots of people — including Sen. Edwards — seem to think it borrows a lot from HillaryCare '93 and from Sen. Edwards' plan. I wonder if Clinton is on board with Edwards' compulsory doctor visits. Can't you just see the National Health Care Police dragging you off to the clinic and strapping you down on the examining table?

Dan Taylor doesn't think much of HillaryCare:

Here's what this plan is:

  1. It is an alligator that is 6 inches long now that turns into a 24 foot monster that eats you in 15 years because you're late with its dinner.

  2. It is a tax and spend social program that is guaranteed to provide nothing but the continued opportunity to tax and spend. It is Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty with the same chance of victory.

  3. It is an early retirement incentive for 50% of the nation's physicians.

  4. It is a guarantee of health care delivered with the cheerfulness of the Post Office, the regulatory enforcement of the SEC and the sensitivity of The Bureau of Prisons.

  5. It is the last attempt to make into reality a very bad idea in theory. The difference between the idea in theory and the idea in reality is that in reality someone is always accountable.

But Taylor does think the plan has one big benefit:

The bad news is that Hillary announced her HealthCare Initiative. The good news is that it doomed her election chances.

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