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Help air anti-Durbin, pro-troops ads

Posted by Richard on July 1, 2005

Move America Forward, the organization that brought you the "I heart Gitmo" bumper sticker, needs your help for their latest TV ad campaign, which starts July 4. You can watch the ad at their site. It’s a very nicely done, simple 30-second message something like this: Some liberals, like Sen. Durbin, have slandered our troops. But these aren’t the faces of torturers, they’re heroes, they’re our sons and daughters fighting for freedom around the world. Support our troops.

The ad will run nationally on Fox News and on broadcast affiliates in Illinois. But, right now, Move America Forward doesn’t have the funds to air the ad as often as it should for an effective campaign. Move America Forward needs to raise another $100,000 in online contributions this weekend. Can you help? Go to Move America Forward and make a contribution, even if it’s only $10 or $20.

Or maybe you’d like to support one of Move America Forward‘s other projects, such as sending gourmet coffee and cookies to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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