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Health care summit summary

Posted by Richard on February 26, 2010

I didn't watch any of today's health care kabuki theater, and I've only done a cursory review of the news, analysis, and opinion pieces about it. But here's what I've gathered happened.

The Republicans offered substantive, well-reasoned alternative proposals, pointed out serious problems with the Democrats' massive plan, and exposed the Democrats' untruths about that plan. 

The Democrats counter-argued as follows: 

One of my constituents had to take her kid to the emergency room, and … and … it wasn't even an emergency! That shouldn't happen in America!

One of my constituents had to wear her dead sister's false teeth! That shouldn't happen in America!

One of my constituents had her face gnawed off by badgers! That shouldn't happen in America!

The President concluded by appealing to bipartisanship: 

I've decided all the Republican ideas suck. I hope some of you Republicans will see the light and embrace what I've decided is best for America. But it really doesn't matter, because we're going ahead with it anyway. Forget what I said about the importance of the filibuster and the sanctity of Senate rules and tradition back when I was a Senator for a few months. We're going to cram this thing down your throats with 51 votes!

 That's about all there was to it. 

Oh, yeah, I almost forgot — there was that issue of equal time and fairness. The Republicans objected to the fact that Obama and the Democrats got much more time than they did. The President countered with something like this: 

My time doesn't count because I've decided not to count it. And I'm the President. So there.

The final tally, according to the Republicans: Obama, 119 minutes; other Democrats, 114 minutes; Republicans, 110 minutes.

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