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Health care rally in Grand Junction

Posted by Richard on August 14, 2009

On Saturday, Aug. 15, President Obama will appear in Grand Junction, CO, in front of a carefully selected audience of admirers and planted questioners. A short distance away, Americans for Prosperity and the Western Slope Conservative Alliance will be holding a rally:

Please join us for this important opportunity to have your voice heard and to send the President a message:

Hands Off My Health Care Rally

Saturday August 15th


Lincoln Park

(corner of 12th and North Avenue)

Grand Junction, Colorado

Bring the whole family out and enjoy music and a great line up of speakers.

Bring your lawn chair and water.  Enjoy the time in the park with your family. This event is sponsored by Americans for Prosperity and the Western Slope Conservative Alliance.

State Sen. Ted Harvey is chartering some buses to take people there from the Denver metro area. Here's the info from the Colorado Union of Taxpayers email: 

The cost will be $35 per person.

The buses will pick us up at 9:30 at the Highlands Ranch Park and Ride at Dad Clark Dr. and Univeristy…Just South of C470.

Plan to spend the day. The trip on the coach takes about five hours. We will spend about 3 hours in Grand Junction for the protest before returning home.

Upon arrival we will join thousands of other protesters from around the state to line the streets from the airport to Central High School to show the President what Colorado thinks of his socialist agenda.

We want to have as many folks as possible joining us but time is short.

Please reply to this e-mail immediatley and let me know if you will plan to join us. The first 100 people to reply to this e-mail will be assured a seat.

Bring your $30 in cash or bring a check made out to me personally and I will pay the Charter Company.

Bring a sack lunch and we will provide the drinks.

Bring your own handmade signs to wave on the streets of Grand Junction! 

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2 Responses to “Health care rally in Grand Junction”

  1. Hathor said

    You should go to the Grand Junction rally. Get a first hand account of his answers, Signifying somewhere else makes no sense to me.

  2. rgcombs said

    I had zero chance at a ticket, even if I’d wanted to make the trip (4-5 hour drive out there). I very briefly toyed with the idea of going just to join the counter-demonstrators at the park, but came to my senses.

    Judging from the local news coverage, there was a semi-tough question or two, but upwards of 90% of the audience was enthusiastic Obama supporters. That doesn’t happen by accident.

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