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Good stuff at Watcher’s

Posted by Richard on February 22, 2006

For some good reading, check out the latest voting results from the Watcher’s Council (or the complete list of nominees). The winning council entry was Dymphna’s extended dialog with Eteraz about "Islamophobia" and anti-Semitism, in which she pretty much nails it with this (emphasis added):

For me, anti-semitism and islamophobia are not on the same order of injustice at all. The Jews are hated and feared because they exist; the Muslims are hated and feared because they kill people at will and do not seem bound to the rule of law that the rest of us take for granted. 

The Big Pharaoh won for best non-council entry with an account of a strange visitation he had recently:

A voice came out of the fire telling me “The Big Pharaoh, I am Allah, I chose you to carry a message to my beloved Muslims. I know they are not happy with how they are looked upon internationally and especially in the Western world. I know they are trying to find ways in order to remedy that and this is why I will give you 10 commandments to post on your blog. I just hope they listen to me”

My two favorites, though, were Dr. Sanity’s Shame, Guilt, the Muslim Psyche, and the Danish Cartoons and Jeff Goldstein’s 9 Al Gore Panders That His Handlers Revised Out of the Final Draft of His Speech to the Saudis. The first is a serious and thought-provoking essay about the difference between guilt-based and shame-based cultures. The second is a hoot.

I’m sure there are also some fine reads at the latest Carnival of Liberty (marked "XXX," but really #33), but I haven’t checked them out yet. For some reason, I never got an invitation to submit or an announcement that it’s up, and I completely spaced it out. Sigh — I’ve been thinking this is Monday all day.

UPDATE: Also, if you’re interested in guns, self-defense rights, Cheney jokes and music, a funny video of a guy being busted for pot, or stuff like that, drop by Carnival of Cordite #48.

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