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Fly the flag on 9/11

Posted by Richard on September 10, 2007

Tomorrow, be sure you display the flag. And maybe take a few minutes to learn about and remember some of the 2,996 who were murdered on that day six years ago.

Also, I've been remiss in not posting about Move America Forward's pro-troop caravan, the "Fight for Victory Tour." The MAF caravan began in Carson City, NV, on Sept. 3, headed west to California, and then turned east and headed cross-country. They're holding 27 pro-troop rallies along the way. Tomorrow evening, they'll hold a candlelight vigil in Niles, Illinois (a Chicago suburb).

On Saturday morning, Sept. 15, in Washington, D.C., MAF will join up with A Gathering of Eagles, Eagles Up!, Vets for Freedom, Families United, and others for a pro-victory rally at the National Mall, countering International A.N.S.W.E.R.'s rally for defeat and contemptible "die-in." A Gathering of Eagles will be in Washington all week; they spent today lobbying members of Congress. Families United and Vets for Freedom will be on Capitol Hill lobbying next week.

If you agree that we can and must defeat our enemies in the Iraq theater of the Global War Against Islamofascism, please join me in supporting the efforts of these five organizations by donating what you can to some or all.

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