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Denver Post endorsed Gardner for Senate; Mike Littwin and I discussed

Posted by Richard on October 11, 2014

Surprising almost everyone, the Denver Post endorsed Republican Cory Gardner over incumbent Democrat Mark Udall in Colorado’s hotly contested Senate race. And they did so with some surprisingly kind words for Gardner and harsh words for Udall (emphasis added):

In every position the Yuma Republican has held over the years — from the state legislature to U.S. House of Representatives — he has quickly become someone to be reckoned with and whose words carry weight. …

Udall is a fine man with good intentions, and on some issues our views are closer to his than to Gardner’s. But he is not perceived as a leader in Washington …

Rather than run on his record, Udall’s campaign has devoted a shocking amount of energy and money trying to convince voters that Gardner seeks to outlaw birth control despite the congressman’s call for over-the-counter sales of contraceptives. Udall is trying to frighten voters rather than inspire them with a hopeful vision. His obnoxious one-issue campaign is an insult to those he seeks to convince.

As David Harsanyi and The Original SPQR noted, Udall’s meeting with the Denver Post editorial board must not have gone well:

The Denver Post endorsement news led to a fun exchange on Twitter between Mike Littwin and me. Littwin was formerly a columnist for the Denver Post, and before that for the late, lamented Rocky Mountain News. He now writes for the online Colorado Independent. The conversation started with this Littwin tweet:

My response:

Littwin didn’t appreciate — or understand — that:

My response was a bit mean and unfair. Littwin is really very funny at times — for a rabid left-winger. His reply was gracious:

Littwin has been on Twitter for five years, so I’m surprised he didn’t know what FIFY means. It’s a pretty common humorous shorthand for “What you said isn’t quite accurate; here’s what you should have said” (with a 140-character limit, you need a very short version of that). It’s usually followed by a rewrite that’s worthy of a rimshot (at least the person using it hopes so).

I guess his failure to have encountered that acronym before speaks to the kinds of people he follows (not many, and mostly politicians, political consultants, and left-wing journalists). I see FIFY used all the time.

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