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Cost of Government Day

Posted by Richard on July 12, 2007

Remember Tax Freedom Day? According to the Tax Foundation, if you're quintessentially average, on April 30 you finally finished paying your tax burden for the year and started to work for yourself instead of the government. Hooray, right?

Not so fast, bubba. Americans for Tax Reform thinks the Tax Foundation overlooked a big chunk of change — the cost of government regulation. So ATR calculated the total cost of government and when you, the average wage slave, have finally earned enough to pay your share. And they determined that July 11 is Cost of Government Day.

Congratulations. From here on — for the remaining 47.4% of the year — you're paying for your own Cheetos and beer instead of someone else's. Rick Sincere has the whole story, including how much worse the situation has become in the past century.

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