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Constitution Week

Posted by Richard on September 19, 2007

On September 17, 1787, 220 years ago, the Constitutional Convention delegates convened in Philadelphia signed the Constitution of the United States. So, this week, September 17-23, is Constitution Week. The National Center for Constitutional Studies has lots of resources and activities (geared toward school students) for the occasion.

If you want to celebrate the week appropriately, besides reading the Constitution, I recommend reading some of the Federalist Papers.

Via the NRA, we learn that Fairbanks residents are a bit hazy about their constitutional rights:

The U.S. Constitution grants many freedoms, including freedom of speech, the right to bear arms and protection from unlawful search and seizure.

Fairbanksans seem to know that, but the specifics of the Bill of Rights were a little hazy to several randomly selected residents on Monday.

“The Second Amendment is the right to bear arms and the first is the right to free speech … OK, I’m done,” said Gary McIntosh, a worker at the Marriott Hotel when asked how familiar he was with the Bill of Rights.

I like McIntosh's priorities, myself, and would give him a passing grade even though he only knows two out of ten.

I'm guessing Venomous Kate and her readers know their rights at least as well as Gary McIntosh, but they may not realize that this is Constitution Week, so I'll remind them.


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