Posted by Richard on May 31, 2006
Just a quick reminder to go check out a couple of this week’s carnivals. First, there’s Carnival of Cordite #60 at Resistance is Futile! Gullyborg managed to put it together in the midst of moving to a new house and new ISP. Lots of links to good stuff, but no pictures (I know — you dial-up folks are cheering). I suppose they’re all still in boxes.
Then, there’s Carnival of Liberty #47 over at New World Man. Lots of good posts, which Matt organized into categories related to the Indy 500 — Gasoline Alley, Yellow Flag, etc. Pretty clever. I think he did it just so he could sprinkle in some pictures of Danica Patrick.
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Anonymous said
I resemble that.
Anonymous said
Hey, don’t think I didn’t appreciate it. You can’t have too many pictures of Danica Patrick.