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Bush kills Tucson artist

Posted by Richard on June 22, 2005

PEST (post election selection trauma) has claimed another victim, and his surviving loved ones aren’t shy about placing the blame. This has to be the most amazing obituary I’ve ever seen (emphasis in body added):

Corwyn (Cory) William Zimbleman

Tucson, AZ (formerly of Champaign, IL)

Age 53. Born April 18, 1952 to the late Willard and Gilda (Ebert) Zimbleman, died June 10, 2005. Throughout his life Cory was an extraordinary artist. His artistic talent and imagination would bring awe to all who viewed his work. … Having never gained the recognition he deserved in his own lifetime his family hopes to publish a book of his works. … He had strong political opinions and followed Amy Goodman’s radio broadcast "Democracy Now." Alas the stolen election of 2000 and living with right-winged Americans finally brought him to his early demise. Stress from living in this unjust country brought about several heart attacks rendering him disabled. Cory, a great man, so very talented, compassionate and intelligent, dedicated to the arts and humanities and the environment, will be greatly missed by his wife, family, and friends.

Wow, this is taking "blame Bush" to a whole new level. Talk about seething rage!

I guess the surviving family member who wrote the obit hasn’t learned the obvious lesson from Cory’s untimely demise: living every day filled with anger and hatred isn’t good for your health.

HT: Michelle Malkin via Brainster (Pat Curley).

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