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Bring them home now!

Posted by Richard on June 22, 2008

JammieWearingFool pointed out how well the Nancy Pelosi era is working out: according to a new Gallup Poll, the confidence rating of Congress is now down to 12%, one point below HMOs and the lowest level ever for any institution. That breaks down to 6% having a "great deal" of confidence in Congress and 6% having "quite a lot."

The President, at 26%, isn't doing so hot either. But that's more than double Congress's score and ahead of big business, the criminal justice system, labor unions, newspapers, and TV news.

The top three institutions — and the only ones in which a majority have a great deal or quite a lot of confidence — are the military (71%), small business (60%), and police (58%). The military has topped the rankings every year but one since 1988 (Reagan legacy, anyone?); in 1997, small business took the top spot. 

JammieWearingFool captured the delicious irony of this:

The Democrats have spent the better part of the last five years slandering our troops, and look where it's gotten them.

Hmm, let's see… On the one hand, Petraeus and the troops are succeeding, and they're atop the public confidence rankings. OTOH, this Congress has been unusually incompetent and sleazy even compared to previous Congresses, and the overwhelming majority apparently have very low expectations from it.

I have a modest proposal: Let's let the troops stay in Iraq, and bring the senators and representatives home from D.C.

(HT: Instapundit);

P.S. — Follow that link in the JWF quote above. Ralph Peters skewers the "aging activists" of his (and my) generation brilliantly.

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