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Brigitte Gabriel in Colorado

Posted by Richard on September 9, 2009

Brigitte Gabriel, the founder of American Congress for Truth and its activist offshoot, ACT! for America, is going to be in the Denver area later this week for two events. I've written about Gabriel before (here, here, and here). As a Lebanese Christian, she spent seven years of her childhood living in a bomb shelter during Lebanon's civil war, and saw most of her friends killed by the Islamofascists. She's an articulate and passionate spokesperson for the war against Islamofascism and the author of Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America and They Must Be Stopped

Here are the details of her two appearances (via email):

On September 11th, Brigitte will deliver a keynote address on the campus of Colorado Christian University.

This event is free and open to the public. After the event Brigitte will autograph copies of her New York Times bestselling book They Must Be Stopped. Books will be available for purchase.

When: Friday, September 11th, 7:30 P.M.

Where: The "Events Center" at Colorado Christian University

8787 W. Alameda Ave.

Lakewood, Colorado

On September 12th, Brigitte will be joined by ACT! for America Executive Director Guy Rodgers, National Field Director Kelly Cook, and Director of Government Relations Lisa Piraneo at the ACT! for America "Citizens in Action" Conference.

The conference will be held at the Denver Marriott South Hotel in Littleton.

Topics covered include:

A basic understanding of radical Islam

Why the typical Western approach in dealing with radical Islam does not work – and what does

How to inform and persuade elected officials

How to communicate the truth about radical Islam more effectively

How to recognize and combat political correctness

How to detect tell-tale signs of suspicious activity

And much more!

For more information, or to register, click here.

The Sept. 12 conference is from 8 AM to 5 PM and costs $45 per person or $70 per couple, which includes a notebook, educational DVD, and ACT! for America lapel pin. Due to a prior commitment, I won't be able to attend, but if you're in the Denver area, I encourage you to do so. And maybe you could share some of what you learn with me. 🙂


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